Monday Funnies

Yeah, Monday.

But before we get to the funny stuff, a little catharsis:

Go ahead:  prove me wrong, I dare ya.

Okay, now we can try to find some funny shit to giggle about.

May as well post some of these before it becomes illegal:


For some beauty, this is someone named Rachel Hard  Hurd Wood:

And one last reminder for the Commies:

…and last week you defrauded us of our vote.


  1. A slight off-topic question:
    The AM news brings word that the Gov. of UTAH (the 2nd most despicable politician in that state) has proclaimed a “Covid Emergency” in his state and imposed a state-wide Mask Mandate.
    I’m sure he won’t be the only one to do so under the camouflage provided by Sloe Joe, but it begs this question:
    If one of these cretins were to be shot down in the street, would anything change?

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