Splendid Isolation

Death Wish

Here’s a lovely story out of France:

They said the man was sitting at a bus stop with a knife in each hand.  “When police turned up, he ran towards them, without saying a word,” the source added.
One of the officers then used an electric stun gun but failed to control the crazed man.

Remarkable restraint under the circumstances, say I.

Another officer then quickly opened fire with his pistol and hit the suspect in the chest.  There were attempts to revive the man but he was declared dead at the scene.

Of course, this being “journalism”, we aren’t told how many times the asshole was shot, which is important.  French fuzz typically use 9mm Europellets in their sidearms, which makes me think that he was double-tapped (at least).  Or if a single shot, it was nice and accurate and blew out Knife Boy’s heart — in which the cop is to be applauded.

Either way, we should be told.

And at least the corpus delicti  didn’t take a knife to a gunfight, but two knives.  Which didn’t help his case much.

Finally, we don’t know anything about said asshole, but I wouldn’t bet against it being a “migrant” of African origin or else a Muzzie who hates infidels, rather than some local nutcase named Jean-Pierre du Peau-Le-Plus-Blanc.

Either way, we should be told.

I suspect that it was one of the former categories rather than the last, simply because we aren’t told anything about him.


When looking at this little show (via Insty, thankee Squire), I was struck by one thing that CAIR chick screamed:

“I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you.”

…which right there gives us the difference between a “moderate” Muslim and an “extremist” Muslim:  the extremist (ISIS) wants to kill all Jews, while the moderate (CAIR) wants ISIS to kill all Jews, and is quite okay with that.

Hope that clears everything up for you.


Fitting End

This headline was supposed to horrify me:

Executed murderer’s shocking final words before he was gassed to death as he gasped & thrashed in 19-minute ordeal

…but it had the opposite effect.  Why?

In 1994, he and three teenage friends killed and later mutilated Vickie DeBlieux, 37, as she hitchhiked through the state on the way to her mother’s home in Louisiana. His victim was hitchhiking from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to her mother’s home in West Monroe, when Grayson and his three pals offered her a ride.
Prosecutors said at the time the four teens took her into the woods where they attacked her and beat her to death. They later revisited the scene to cut her body 180 times, cutting off her fingers and removing a portion of her lung. Her beaten body was found at the bottom of a bluff near Odenville, Alabama on February 26.
A medical examiner testified that Vickie’s face was so fractured she was identified by an earlier X-ray of her spine.

I have only two regrets about this:  it took 30 years before this bastard was finally executed;  and his three psycho buddies inexplicably had their death sentences commuted to life imprisonment in 2005.  This should have been a four-of-a-kind grand slam.

Feel free to explain to me why justice should have been tempered by mercy.  It’s not going to work.

Thoughts On #2

After the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, I’m led to ask a few questions.

If this was a serious attempt, why use an AK-47 (or SKS –there seems to be some confusion here*)?  I’m a huge fan of the old Commie rifles, but it’s common knowledge that even scoped, neither is a serious “sniper” rifle.  Hell, I wouldn’t use it past 200 yards, and I’m what could charitably called a “practiced” shooter with both the AK and SKS.

Which leads me to the next question.

Was this Routh guy just some deranged asswipe who wanted to kill Trump in principle, but like many nutcases, had little idea of how to accomplish such a thing?  (I’m kinda leaning towards this scenario, by the way, because serious shooters never let their gun barrel poke out into plain view.)

Also in my mind:  at what point, if ever, is the Secret Service going to get serious about protecting Trump?  Supposedly, some eagle-eyed agent spotted Routh’s rifle barrel sticking through the fence, and the SS agent then opened fire on his position (but not hitting him surprise surprise).  (Hell, at least this time, unlike in the previous attempt, they didn’t wait for the dickhead to start shooting before trying to suppress him.)  Frankly, I’m starting to have serious doubts about their capability to protect Trump — which leads to the final, and most disturbing question.

Is there actually a conspiracy to assassinate Trump?  I’m not going to get involved in who might be part of a conspiracy because I don’t know enough about the situation or the people who might be part of it.

Here’s what I do know:  if there’s a third assassination attempt on Donald Trump, then it will take a great deal to persuade me, in the words of Auric Goldfinger, that this is not an enemy action.  Once again, as to who the enemy is, I have no idea but many suspicions.

Right now, however, I have absolutely no doubt as to what is causing these deranged assholes like Ryan Routh and the late Thomas Crooks to act the way they are, and it can be found in the words of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with all their lickspittle colleagues in Congress and the media, words which describe Trump as being “a danger to democracy”, a “dictator”, and so on.  (And I’m not the only one who believes this.)

If you keep on watering the ground, in other words, it’s an absolute certainty that some shoots [sic] are going to spring up.

*In terms of details about this business, the “fog of war” is a clear blue sky by comparison.  See here for a series of contradictory statements.


From Reader Mike L. comes this little tale from (where else?) Floriduh:

Police responded to a home in reference to a shooting Thursday morning.  When officers arrived, they found a man with a gunshot wound. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Investigators determined that the suspect, Patricia Whitehead, and the victim shared a residence.  She became angry with the man, saying he “did not clean up after himself,” police said.

Authorities said the victim was leaving the home when Whitehead heard him slam the door. She then went and grabbed her gun from her bedroom, left out of the door, and shot the man multiple times, according to police.

I guess that was just one slam too many.

I’m not taking this loony old tart’s side, but I bet there’s more to this story than is being reported.

Or she’s just a loony old tart.

…Then We’ll Ban These, Too

Fresh on the heels of the outrage above, we have this horror:

A group of yobs allegedly tortured and killed a duck with a catapult in the latest incident in a disturbing spate of attacks.
Concerned locals saw the youngsters – believed to be aged between 11 and 15 — firing off at a duck before kicking it and throwing it against a wall.

With the inevitable response (because Britishland):

Disgusted locals are now calling for a ban on the catapults after a spate of incidents targeting animals across the county.

There’s a better idea — catch the amoral little scrotes and give them a vicious public flogging in the town square (pour encourager les autres, so to speak) — but no doubt some people will have a problem with this solution because Krool & Hartless.

The unfortunate duck was unavailable for comment.