Not Hotel Fucking California

Via Insty, I see this little story:

Hundreds of California cops are fleeing to Texas to escape ‘soft-on-crime’ policies they say have made their jobs ‘pointless’, can reveal.

Rank-and-file officers up to department chiefs have hit out at state legislators, claiming a succession of ‘anti-law enforcement’ policies have made their work impossible.

Overworked and unsupported, they have instead taken up jobs in Texas and other states that are seen as tough on crime.

Well, if we’re going to have ANY Californians come over here, it might as well be cops…

…as long as they leave their California-law-enforcement attitudes towards guns behind them and act like, say, a country Texas cop from Bastrop, Mineral Wells or somewhere like that, where things like this aren’t eeeeevil.


Otherwise, they can just carry on through Texas and head up north to Illinois.  Oh wait, that’s what they’re trying to get away from.

So come on over, folks, and have some Texas BBQ.  Just behave yourselves, and we’ll get on just fine.

Update:  I see that TxGov Abbott has also got into the spirit of the thing.


Here’s a headline that got me thinking:

The state of Michigan is reportedly pushing a program offering citizens $500 a month to take in migrants.

The program, called the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, is set to provide shelter outside state shelters for “refugees.” The assistance would be available to homeowners for up to a year.

Were I not living in a tiny apartment in Texas but in a large-ish suburban house in Michigan, I might be tempted to take the Idiot State up on its offer.

I know, I know;  but run with me on this one.

Of course, there would be (several non-negotiable) pre-conditions for my acceptance, such as:

  • Only single females aged between 25-40
  • Unmarried / not engaged / no boyfriend
  • No children
  • Close resemblance to Salma Hayek
  • Must be prepared to teach me Spanish, starting with conversational topics such as “Please undress me now”, and phrases of that nature
  • Must know how to cook meals not just Mexican. e.g. steak, eggs and chips, toasties etc.
  • Must accept “cash tips” for services rendered around the house, e.g. laundry, ironing, massages and other personal services

…I think you’re getting the picture.

Otherwise, of course, the state could stick it up its ass.

Cancerous Society

My French is slipping… what’s their word for “expulsion”, again?

49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and that 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques.

France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim.

There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally.

7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France are ever actually deported.

25% of French Muslims said that the word “France” is a word they reject.

If  a quarter of French Muslims reject the entire concept of “France”, wouldn’t it be prudent for the host body to reject them?  Or, to put it more bluntly, at what point, one wonders, do the French say “Assez!”  and start mass deportations?

At the least, I’d suggest improving amending French law to include castration as a penalty for rape, but no doubt the French, famously permissive when it comes to l’amour, would have a problem with that.

Oh yeah, the French for “expulsion” is expulsion.  I knew that.

The More, The Merrier

Looks like Texas is getting help:

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Thursday that he is sending members of the Florida National Guard (FLNG) and Florida State Guard (FSG) to Texas to help Governor Greg Abbott (R) stop the “invasion” of illegal aliens flooding into his state that has unfolded during the Biden administration.

Excellent stuff.  Can they bring a few dozen of your alligators with them?  Guaranteed a good home, and plenty to eat.

Quote Of The Day

From Austin Bay:

“As for escaping to Texas, please stay away. It’s absolutely terrible down here. We have hurricanes and tornadoes and sweltering summers and gazillions of feral hogs. The worst of it:  increasingly terrible traffic thanks to tax migrants fleeing California.”

What he said.  Our local traffic around Plano/Frisco/McKinney looks on occasion like the traffic I encountered in L.A. back in the late 1990s/early 2000s.

He forgot to mention guns.  We have lots and lots of evil guns here too, and a bunch of rednecks who love them.