News Roundup

In (what else?) Political News: mean “Heels-Up Cock Socket” is incorrect?

...that’s just so nobody can suspect her when the DEI VP is suicided. the list does not put “The United States” at the very top, it can be disregarded.  Likewise, nowhere is Argentina mentioned, nor Hungary;  and the UK — under a Labour government?  That’s delusional.  So feel free to disregard the “experts”.

In Automotive News:

...and Chevy doing likewise, changing their Canucki assembly plant to making trucks rather than EVs.

In the Food & Drink Dept.:

...oooh, I can’t wait to get to my local Plano Greggs to try… errr wait a minute.

In the Hey, Teacher! Leave Those Kids Alone! Dept.: doubt, she’s going to plead Not Guilty By Reason Of Menopause.

And: about yer over-achievers.

But wait!  There’s more!

...and she’s quite a babe, too.  What IS it with these chicks?

In Showbiz News:

In Travel News:

...keyword:  Belgian.

Now for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...any bets on the national origin of said five men?  No?  Not surprising.
#North Africa

And once more unto the breach of 

...four down, four to go, apparently.  (no link because ugh)

...she being the only reason one would want to follow the EPL’s Leeds United on TV.

They could hardly do any worse than the existing DEI clowns.

And that’s all the news for today.

News Roundup

And speaking of things that make parts of one’s body ache painfully…

In Political News:


...executive summary:  ban fracking, carbon taxes, and the rest of the Green unicorn-fart nonsense:  requiring new buses, heavy duty vehicles and vehicle fleets to be zero-emission by 2030 and all vehicles to be 100% zero-emission by 2035.

...good question, but it’s probably the same group that’s been running it since 2020.

...newsflash:  nobody cares.  Especially if it’s “Dr.” Jill and his fuckface son doing the talking.

...triggering competition to claim her title as “Biggest Moron in Congress”, amid some strong competition.

In Entertainment News: my old dad used to say:  “Never hug a wet woman”, and he was right.

In International News:

...Americans will experience the same under [sic] President Kamala Harris.

...providing the answer to the perennial teaser:  “Name one thing Hitler did do right”.

Still in Britishland:

...government at the expense of taxpayers;  why are we not surprised?

From the Dept. of Health:

...Mommy Mommy, he’s doing an InstaSnark again.

In still-link-free  


...just sayin’.

And peering in the windows of the houses of we find: know, I was going to show some pics of the aforementioned slags, but they’re not as bad as you’d expect;  they’re worse.  So instead, some nicer things, perhaps not even slags (borrowed from Kenny):

…and an old one of Ground Force‘s Charlie Dimmock, who is definitely not a slag:

And that’s all the news out there.

News Roundup

And into the news we dive: I the only one feeling a little conflicted about this operation?  I want FJB to go up against Trump.

...wait:  the Teamsters support Trump now?

...considering that every single thing this crooked asshole says is a lie (including “the”, “and” and “not guilty”), I’ll believe it when I see it.

In Furrin News: shit.

...another “Great Leap Forward” into economic ruin, one hopes., lead bullets on the other hand... And still in La Belle France:’s not like the Muzzies are going to win any Olympic medals, unless “suicide vest detonation” is now an Olympic sport (wouldn’t surprise me).

From the Department of Education:

...I’ve never agreed with bringing Sex Ed into primary schools, myself.

And in the Everybody Panic!!!! Department:

...whatever happened to the Asian Murder Hornet Invasion?  Asking for a friend.  Also:

...Steve Irwin was unavailable for comment.

…keyword:  China.

From the Dept. of Self-Love:

...didn’t work for me when my nose blocked up recently, though.  Maybe I was just using the wrong nipple clamps.

And now, in 


...I should point out that the houri in question has had a boob job recently — so why not?

And that’s the ass-end of the news.

News Roundup

As used by our best punk wannabe-assassins.

...just wait till after Inauguration Day, assholes.

...not a good couple of days for the Communists, was it?

Trump Picks Novelist As VP
...I was asked, but had to decline because ineligible.
#U.S.Constitution #ArticleIISection1 me, I’d call that a “target-rich” environmentI can’t believe the LGBTOSTFU and GLAAD crowd missed the show.  No doubt, Soros has scheduled them for tomorrow.

...can’t see why, they still have all those fraudulent ballots waiting to be counted.

...why should they change it?  The previous one worked out SO well.

...can’t imagine why.

...ya think, fuckwit?

On to some International News:

...gooder and harder, Izzies I’d forgotten all about the Paleos.

...let’s not forget our old stand-by, Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

...even for Africa, that’s an over-achiever.

...oh yeah;  almost forgot about those assholes too.

And back home:

...keyword:  Brooklyn.

And for some truly perplexing 

  ...sorry; I just can’t.

...ah yes, Elle;  still a skinnymalink after all these years.

I think we’ve covered the news (barely) adequately.

News Roundup

And speaking of bonfires:

...can you spell “F-I-X”, children?

And then:

...whereupon the expected response follows:

...yep;  the fix is in.

From the Everybody Panic!!! Department:

...note “scientists” and all the weasel words.

And speaking of those loathsome assholes:

...I’m sure they do, considering that their entire army was equipped by the U.S. thanks to all those military supplies left behind in the Great Biden Afghanistan Betrayal of 2021.

And speaking of religious people:

...see, if he had been a Muslim he would have murdered the artist instead of just destroying the statue.

In the Righteous Shootings Dept.:

...bringing a lunge to a gunfight:  not a good idea.

In Health News:


And Womyn’s News:

...errrr that’s because modern-day “liberal women” have denigrated, demonized, pussified and castrated traditional men.  Liberal men surrendered to that trope;  conservative men never have.  Connect the dots, Cunty.

And now, we’re on to 

...or in Hollywoodspeak:  “Thunberg 2”.

...which could be taken as a warning if you decide to use today’s ad item as implied.

Finally, as we take a trip down : wonder they won. 

Still, they were playing Holland… and this weekend will take on Spain in the Euro Cup Final.  Wonder who’ll get her boobs  support then?

And that’s it for the news.

I was Going To Write This Article

…but Beege at Hot Air beat me to it.

The elections in England and France over the past week have been stellar examples of that, with surging populist parties echoing the concerns and voices of a good portion of the citizenry prior to the ballot box. But when vote push came to election shove, and parliamentary election rules being what they are in foreign countries, the feared and despised “right-wing” did make serious gains. But their hopes of election day triumphs were vanquished in both countries by simple math in one – England – and completely legal electioneering machinations by the Left in another – France.

Alas. The right has more seats at the table in both countries, but they do not control the head chair, and this leaves both countries under the sway of pretty liberal Leftist governments, with France being the vastly more radical of the two.

Read the rest for the gory — and I mean gory — details.

By the way:  I’m still feeling sick;  better than last week, but sick nevertheless.