Quote Of The Day

From my soul brother Elon:

“We find it sort of rather odd that there are quite a few people in the bureaucracy who who have a salary of a few hundred thousand dollars, but somehow manage to accrue tens of millions of dollars in net worth.” [beat]  “We’re just curious as to where it came from…”

Yeah, me too.  Investigate all of them — Democrats and Republicans.

Quote Of The Day

“There have been so many Somalians arriving that parts of London just don’t feel like Bangladesh anymore.” — Leo Kearse

That’s one of those not-so-funny observations — humor, masking despair.

White Americans living in Arab-infested Dearborn MI or Somali-infested Minneapolis MN will be only too familiar with the feeling.

Quote Of The Day

From POTUS Trump, on being asked about his opinion on the residency status of Prince Ginger Nuts:

“I’ll leave him alone. He’s got enough problems with his wife. She’s terrible.”

That’s gotta sting.

Quote Of The Day

“The United Kingdom is in trouble; their energy supplies are insufficient for their needs, and the policies that put them in this position are the same policies that the climate scolds want to implement here.” — Ward Clark

This comes as Norway is going to cut off their sales of natural gas to Britishland, because those sales (and likewise to Germany — another country with a bad energy policy) are causing domestic prices of gas to rise… and the Norwegian voters, unsurprisingly, don’t see why they should have to subsidize other countries’ bad energy policies.

By the way:  the UK’s backup gas provider is the U.S., which would sting them because the hated POTUS has ordered natgas production to ramp up.  Sadly for them, though, DJT has indicated that said increased gas supply will be used to drive down Biden-high energy costs for Americans.

Rock, meet hard place;  and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of smug Green assholes.

Quote Of The Day

From this guy:

We are currently watching the wokest elements of the left realizing in real time that they are a tiny minority and that most Americans hate them and their ideas.

And I’m enjoying it as much or more than he is.