Surrendering to an enemy is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, your position is hopeless, and continuing the struggle is not only pointless but perhaps ruinous — loss of life, loss of country, whatever.
But surrendering to an enemy when you have won? That, my friends, takes a lot of doing. Try this for an example of the latter:
Are you fucking kidding me? The murderous bitch was “upset”? Bloody hell, why not just put sunglasses on her to cover her eyes as well? Or why bother with a mugshot at all?
When she expressed her anguish at the facial mugshot, they should have re-shot the thing, thus:
Or even better, if she had the proper attributes:
That would have been much better treatment for her… but no, Milord Justice had to roll over like a little possum and accommodate her stupid religious custom, when she’s accused of trying to join ISIS to kill non-Muslim people.
Fuck ’em — not just the terrorists, but the spineless assholes who kowtow to them.
By the way: before the original and oh-so-objectionable mugshot is scrubbed from the Internet by the judge’s little cousins in wokedom, here it is.