Save The Wales

This is a strange one:

One of America’s most wanted terror suspects has been tracked down and arrested in rural Wales some 21 years after a double bombing attack in San Francisco.


The BBC reports Daniel Andreas San Diego, 46, is in custody after an operation Monday backed by counter terrorist police and North Wales Police.

The fugitive now faces extradition to the U.S. after being arrested at a remote property near woodland in north Wales by Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA).

The NCA said the Berkeley, California-born runaway was arrested at the request of U.S. authorities and appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court in London on Tuesday, where extradition proceedings began.

Okay, the “Berkeley” part makes sense, but…

The FBI has previously called the suspect an “animal rights extremist” and was the first alleged domestic terrorist to be added to the U.S. agency’s most wanted terrorists list.

Ooooh, an eco-terrorist. (Now does the title of the post make sense?)

I suggest that he be reunited with his beloved Mother Nature en route back to the U.S. in the usual manner, from 10,000 feet up:

Ocean, prairie, jungle, Berkeley, Wales, whatever.  I’m not fussy.

Or if we wanted to make the punishment fit the crime, we could always borrow a pager from some other terrorist and duct-tape it to his scrotum.

Potato, potahto.

When You’ve Lost The Dutch

Dutch people, as a rule, are famously tolerant and generally speaking, a decent lot (except when occupied by Nazi Germany).

So when the Dutchies use bulldozers and batons to clear out a terrorsymp encampment, you have to know that your cause may be in trouble.

And if the above two links didn’t elicit at least a grim smile from you, we can’t be friends.

My suggestion for riot control, as always, is a little stronger than bulldozers and batons:


Nice of them to warn us:

Former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal gave a speech on Tuesday encouraging Muslims and Palestinian supporters to display their anger and begin pro-Palestinian demonstrations on Friday.

He was talking specifically about Muslim countries, but you can expect some of that foolishness Over Here too.

So y’all may want to pack an extra mag or two for your carry piece and truck gun when out and about this weekend, just in case.

That’s just me:  all concerned about the safety of my Readers.