Stupid Is (Part Deux)

Okay, there’s stupid (voting for a Democrat Socialist), very stupid (waterbombing Danny Trejo)… and then there’s ultra-stupid:

A Spanish tourist reportedly has been “trampled to death” by elephants in South Africa after he tried to get close to them to take pictures. 

If you look up the word “pendejo”  in the dictionary, that’ll be his pic you see, right above that of the Trejo Waterbomber.

I remember one time I was driving friends around the Kruger Park when we suddenly came upon a solitary elephant.  I stopped, of course, at a distance of about thirty yards.

“Get a little closer!” urged one friend (American, first time in Africa, in fact I think it was the first time she’d ever left New England).
Of course, I refused.
“He’s just standing there,” she said.
“See how his ears are flapping?”
“I know, it’s so cute!”
“He’s warning us off,” I said, and put the minibus into reverse.

Then the elephant took three giant steps towards us, whereupon I tried my very best to break the world speed record for reversing a VW minibus down a dirt road.  Even so, he got to within about ten yards of the bus before our acceleration took us clear.  Fortunately, the road was straight and after a minute or so the elephant stopped, flapped his ears at us one more time, and exited stage right.

I took the opportunity to turn the bus around, and got the hell out of the area.

One of the others managed to get a single pic of Dumbo, right before he got on the road and decided to shoo us off.

(in the very left-hand bottom of the pic you can see the car windowsill, to give an idea of how close he was, no zoom lens)

Get out of the car? Close to a herd with calves?

I guess the Spanish guy felt that he knew all about elephants, having done the African River ride at DisneyWorld where the elephants frolic charmingly along the river banks, rather than trampling people to death.

Afterthought:  phew, if the whole herd got in on the act as the report says, all that remained must have been some bloody mud with bone splinters, with pieces of El Stupido’s iPhone mixed in.


Just Another Day In Paradise

From sunny Seffrica:

A elderly British couple who were kidnapped from their South African home ‘may have been dismembered with their body parts sold to a witch doctor’, a court heard, as their devastated family accuse local cops of covering up the brutal ‘slaughter’ .

Pensioners Anthony Dinnis, 73, and Gillian Dinnis, 78, were attacked by a gang of three men armed with guns at their remote farm in Middlerus in KwaZulu-Natal’s Mooi River area, before disappearing without a trace last August.

Of course, Blacks murdering Whites in South Africa is not a crime in Nelson Mandela’s paradise — which, by the way, is when the luckless (and naïve) couple arrived in the country, lured no doubt by the low cost of living and sunny skies.

Now, almost a year on, two suspects who had worked on the couple’s farm as labourers and who were arrested last year in connection with the cruel murders have been released without charge – one of whom confessed that Anthony and Gillian were brutally butchered.

And the Seffrican cops, of course, are completely ineffective, either through lack of resources or indifference.

After all, what’s the point of investigating the thing?  It’s only a pair of old (White) immigrants.

Get ‘Em While They’re Fresh

Here’s a headline which will make you do something:

But here’s the punchline:

A guest, who endorsed the marriage, said the marriage came about due to a longstanding custom mandating that the priest marry a virgin. He revealed that there are currently no virgin girls in Nungua above the age of nine.

What was that saying about Africa winning?  Oh yeah… well, read all about it.

Warning:  contains the name “Gborbu Wulomo Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII”.  (Strange way to spell “child molester”, but there ya go.)

I Hate To Say It But

…I told you so.

A number of people have sent me this link, wherein seething Marxist Julius Malema is talking (yet again) about killing all White people in South Africa — what used to be known as genocide, except nowadays that doesn’t apply to killing White people.  #White Lives Don’t Matter, in other words.

Here’s a little something I wrote on the topic, back in March 2018:

I don’t think that South Africa will go Full Rhodesia. I think it will go Full Nazi Germany, with the Whites taking the place of the Jews. And I think — no, I am sure — that the rest of the world: the U.N., the West and anyone else that counts will do sweet fuck-all to stop it nor will they intervene in any way because African Blacks killing African Whites is just fine by the rest of the world because Apartheid.

Africa will win again.

And yes, I have friends and family still living there. My sister and her husband live on a farm.

All I can hope is that the few White South Africans who can, will still be able to flee to another country.  Certainly, the Jews (like my buddy Mervyn) always have the Israel option — and people like my sister, for example, who is married to a British citizen may be able to escape.  New Wife’s son likewise has a British passport.  Why they haven’t already left… I dunno.

As for the rest — mostly Afrikaners and English-speakers (like I used to be), born in South Africa with no convenient ties to a foreign country — face a certain fate.  Nobody will want them, nobody will take them in on humanitarian grounds, and having mostly been disarmed by both government regulation and denial of firearm permits, all they can do is wait to be herded onto the cattle cars, figuratively speaking.  (In fact, there will be no cattle cars, just wholesale slaughter in the streets and in their homes.)

If all this happens, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe, the scale of which will equal the Holocaust of WWII;  and just like then, the rest of the world will do nothing — in this case, not because they’re Jews, but because the White South Africans committed the unpardonable sin of being born White, and their grandparents supported apartheid.

And for those who think that the country will collapse into ruin and chaos, well:  it probably will.  But the Malema supporters won’t care because, you see, everything is only about right now, the future be damned.  It’s the African way, played out over and over again all over the benighted continent.

Africa will win again.  And lose; but they don’t care.

Comparative Paradise

Here’s an interesting development:

South Africa is planning to withdraw from UN conventions so the government can restrict immigration and send refugees back to countries that are not deemed dangerous.

Indeed, the nation’s statistics agency said last month there were more than 2.4 million migrants in South Africa last year, with the highest percentage coming from neighboring Zimbabwe at 45.5 per cent, followed by Mozambique and Lesotho. 

‘Migration between countries is driven largely by the quest for economic opportunities, political instability, and increasingly, environmental hazards,’ said Statistics South Africa. 

A little-known fact about Seffrica is that it’s seen as a Mecca, so to speak, by all the other sub-Saharan African countries (a.k.a. shitholes) because it’s seen as the best-functioning country in the sub-continent, with the greatest opportunities for jobs.

Fact:  Seffrica has an “official” unemployment rate of over 48%, and in some areas it’s a lot higher.

Fact:  Most Black Seffricans loathe the “immigrants” from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Malawi et al., and they display their enmity in the traditional manner:  murder, disembowelment, amputation and immolation (when they can find any gasoline, that is).  In fact, if you subtract the murders of migrants from the statistics, then the national murder rate drops quite substantially (to about double that of South Side Chicago, for instance).  And those are the official (i.e. reported) murders;  most go unreported, and un-investigated by the world’s most incompetent and corrupt police force.

Fact:  Violent crime perpetrated by said “immigrants” and “asylum seekers” is obscenely high.  A huge number of the carjacking gangs, burglary rings and so on are organized and staffed by the above, and one of Seffrica’s most notorious serial killers (recently captured) was a native Mozambican.

So it’s no surprise that the Seffrican government has taken the stance that it has:

Mr Motsoaledi said the ruling African National Congress (ANC) had made a ‘serious mistake’ when it signed up to international agreements without seeking exceptions from certain clauses. Other countries had opted out of giving refugees the same rights as citizens. 

The government minister said that the current liberal laws, which saw the ANC open up South Africa’s borders to migrants and asylum seekers at the end of apartheid rule in 1994, were now outdated and needed a ‘radical overhaul’. 

Mr Motsoaledi is now pushing for people seeking asylum in South Africa to stay in the first safe country they enter – a proposal that will largely affect those from other African nations. 

Under this plan, refugees from Malawi will have to stay in Zambia and not go further south (through Zimbabwe) to get to the Promised Land.

If all this sounds familiar to my Murkin and Brit Readers, it should.  Plus ça change, plus la même chose.