Last Week, The Vag

…and now it’s the dick’s turn:

Oy.  My comment on this “survey” is identical to last week’s one about ladyparts.

Without bothering to read the article in question, I would hazard a guess that the size / shape / whatever of a penis has a lot less to do with the attributes thereof than does the size of the bank balance that comes with it. [sic]

But perhaps I’m being too cynical.

Bad Taste

Worst headline of the year:

FFS, was this “poll” even necessary?  I mean, I’m as lewd as the next guy, and a lot more lewd than most, and even I was offended by it.

And no, there’s no link.  You want to find it, go look for yourself at the Daily Mail.

Medical Advice

Via Insty:

The article talks about “90 seconds” in terms of its duration, but who the hell can keep going for that long?  We’re not animals, you know.

So ladies:  the next time the old man asks for a little quickie, he’s really doing it for your own good.  Even better if it’s cowgirl.


You shouldn’t harass your ex-girlfriend, even if she is a House Representative from California:

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) has filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend, alleging months of “persistent abuse and harassment” in the form of repeatedly contacting her family, staff, and fellow lawmakers and causing “significant fear for [her] personal safety and well-being.”

He sounds like a proper tool.  But that’s not why I’m posting this story.  Here’s the harassee:

I make no comment, but there are questions to be asked.

What Did Anyone Expect?

Reader Tony H. sent me this most excellent example of political (literally) fuckery:

A legend has been born in Central Africa. The story started when the head of the tiny Spanish-speaking nation of Equatorial Guinea’s anti-corruption office, Baltasar Ebang Engonga, known as Bello for his good looks, was himself recently arrested for corruption. That itself would have been routine enough on the continent, but upon searching the office the agents found around four hundred CDs containing videos of Baltasar having sex with seemingly every prominent woman in the country — including the wife of the Police Chief, the wife of the Attorney General, the President’s younger sister, and the wives of around 20 cabinet members. Some are calling him Africa’s King Solomon. The videos soon began to be uploaded to the internet one at a time by an unknown party, and if the information is accurate, must have been clearly labeled because it seems as if he recorded himself having sex with almost every woman he has met, and many of them are not famous. The videos are with women of all types, in every position, and in every imaginable location, including government offices, outdoors, public bathrooms, hotels, private bedrooms, and the hospital.

One may think that I would regard this as Just Another African Story, except of course that it isn’t:  throughout history, powerful men on any continent have always had access to willingly-shared pudenda pretty much upon request or demand.  What makes this serial conquest remarkable is the fact that it was captured on tape, so to speak.

What makes the article all the more interesting is the brief history told of Equatorial Guinea, which even by African standards seems to be an absolute armpit of a place.

As for our African Lothario, I have only one word of comment:


Flawed Premise

Most of this article is behind a paywall, but it doesn’t matter as its theme is apparent:

Liberal Women Vow Four-Year Sex Strike To Protest Trump’s Victory And Punish Trump’s Male Supporters

As always with these deluded idiots, they begin on a faulty premise:  in this case, that men will fuck anything, even liberal women.  The first part is generally speaking true, but the second part?

Nazzo fast, Karen.

In fact, I would imagine most men, let alone conservative men, will be relieved that they don’t have to interact with these foul harridans, with their solipsistic self-absorption, near-insanity and exaggerated perception of their own worth in the sexual marketplace.

So go ahead and delete your dating apps, womyns;  conservative men are more interested in getting married and having children anyway, so your withdrawal will simply make their job easier.  And non-feminazi women — yeah, “traditional” women — will appreciate the lack of competition even more.