I had a piece planned for yesterday, and ran into some thought issues which required redoing — hence its non-appearance yesterday — and it was replaced with Jan Sterling, which isn’t a bad compromise, all things considered.
It would have been, I think, an interesting piece. I was going to write about music, and lyrics, and playing around with them and not only interpreting them, but changing them into another format, writing music notation, changing orchestral pieces into something which could be played by a rock band, for instance, or a single pianist. It’s something I do often, in my head. New Wife sometimes says something to me and is annoyed when I make no sign that I’ve heard her. And when I tell her I’ve been concentrating on something and she asks what, I reply that I’d been writing out the bass guitar part for, I dunno, Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody On A Theme By Paganini perhaps, or imagining how a single keyboardist could play an entire Beethoven symphony using just two or three keyboards (piano, and couple of advanced synthesizers like those made by Nord or Roland, for example).
Then (via Insty) I read Override, and all my thoughts on music disappeared. The report had such a profound effect on me that I’ve since read it perhaps eight times (and counting), and I’ve sent the link on to a dozen friends all over the world, saying in effect, “If you want to know what’s REALLY happening here in the U.S., this is it.”
What astonishes and amazes me is the amount of preparation and planning that went into this activity, and the fact that it remained a secret for who knows how long — a year, several years, whatever — without an inkling or a leak anywhere. The proof is that when those four kids with laptops hit the Treasury system, nobody saw it coming; and I don’t think anyone, even its architects, had any idea of the outcome.
What astonishes me even more is that all those hundreds of Executive Orders signed by Trump in the past couple of weeks were, while consequential, more of a deception, a maskirovka designed to keep the Left distracted while the real business was going on in the basements of federal buildings all over D.C.
It takes a lot to knock me over and flabbergast me, but consider me knocked over and flabbergasted. And I have only one thing to say:
For the first time in many years, I can truthfully say that it’s a wonderful time to be alive here in America.
Let’s just hope we can keep it going, and change this country back into something more like what our Founding Fathers intended.
Oh, and speaking about the Founders and original principles, as if all the above were not enough, here’s another EO from POTUS:
President Donald Trump issued an executive order Friday “to assess any ongoing infringements” of the right to keep and bear arms.
The order also makes clear President Trump wants an assessment of the following, among other things:
The positions taken by the United States in any and all ongoing and potential litigation that affects or could affect the ability of Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights; Agencies’ classifications of firearms and ammunition; and The processing of applications to make, manufacture, transfer, or export firearms.
And “assessment” is one thing; action is another. But wait! There’s MOAR!
Within 30 days, Attorney General Pam Bondi is to “present a proposed plan of action to the President, through the Domestic Policy Advisor, to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.” Thereafter AG Bondi is to finalize and implement the plan.
30 days? I think I need one of these:

…and a series of these:

Or maybe all this political turmoil and castigation of the Left is best enjoyed stone-cold sober, while I dance up and down like Flounder when the parade was ruined.

Your thoughts in Comments.