Talk about welcome news:

Danish campaigners are proposing to buy California from the United States and turn it into a territory of Denmark in response to Donald Trump‘s bid to acquire Greenland.

The ‘Denmarkification’ campaign says it seeks to crowdfund $1trillion to purchase the US state, after which it plans to instill it with Danish values and make the most of its sunny weather and resources.

Good luck with instilling any values — let alone Danish ones — into that cauldron of assholes, guys.  Hell, if you could clean up L.A. and San Francisco alone, you’d be doing the world a favor.

At least the new Danish “settlers” would be used to over-priced real estate, and the current crop of Californians would welcome your free healthcare and rampant socialism.  And don’t forget to include the cost of a wall around the place — we’ve had more than enough Californians infest the rest of the country, thank you.

And you Danes might as well forget speaking that throat-clearing stuff you call a language and learn to speak Spanish. Although that need may disappear soon, if you get your way:

Denmark’s immigration approach has been influenced by Right-wing parties for more than 20 years, with Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister and leader of the centre-Left Social Democrats, pursuing a “zero refugee” policy since coming to power in 2019.

The country of around six million people received 2,300 asylum requests last year.

“Last year, authorities granted the smallest number of residency permits to asylum seekers that we have seen in recent years,” Kaare Dybvad Bek, the immigration minister, said, calling the figure “historic”.

If you can do that in California… see the title of this post.

Oh Boo Frigging Hoo

I know that this happened in Socialist Britishland [/redundancy alert], but still:

A university has been accused of bullying its neighbours by preventing them from getting out of their back gardens.

Residents in Gloucester are fuming after the University of Gloucestershire put a 6ft high metal fence up against the edge of their properties, ahead of an expected sale of the land. 

It means people can’t get out of their gates and use the field for a stroll, to walk their dogs or let their children play, as they have done for many years.

Residents believe the move has affected their right to roam across the land and say it was done without warning.

Uhhhh it’s called “private property”, you idiots, and your previous use of the land was a privilege or favor granted by the land’s owner, and not one of your “rights” (especially a “right to roam”, which is a peculiar British custom anyway).

From the landowner:

A University of Gloucestershire spokesperson said: ‘We have put a fence around our site because, like any landowner, we do need to ensure our private property is secure and that our rights over the land are clear.

While the land is private property with no right of access or ‘right of way’ in place, we are keen to ensure that we maintain a positive relationship with our neighbours, so we have arranged drop-in sessions for residents to meet with senior members of our team so we can understand their concerns and answer any questions they may have.’

Wait till these privileged neighbors learn that the uni is selling the land to a developer who’ll most likely put up one of those ghastly Brit-style developments which resemble a low-security Scandinavian prison…

Adding States

Apparently, CanickiPM Castreaux’s visit with god-emperor Trump at Mar-A-Lago didn’t quite go the way the little socialist shit wanted it to:

Trump reportedly told Trudeau that “Canada has failed the U.S. border by allowing large amounts of drugs and people across the border, including illegal immigrants from over 70 different countries.” The once-and-future president “became more animated when it came to the U.S. trade deficit with Canada, which he estimated to be more than $100 billion,” and told his shallow Canadian counterpart that “if Canada cannot fix the border issues and trade deficit, he will levy a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods on day one when he returns to office.”

That was when Trudeau started whining and claiming victimhood status. After all, what else would you expect a leftist to do? Trudeau knows that playing the victim is the pathway to fame, favor, and fortune on the left, and apparently, he assumed this to be a universal tendency. So he told Trump, probably with tears glistening in eyes, that he just couldn’t impose such a tariff “because it would kill the Canadian economy completely.” There is nothing in the available reports about Trudeau offering to do anything about stopping the flow of migrants and drugs over the border. He just wanted Trump to withdraw his threat for nothing, out of his concern for the well-being of Canada.

Trudeau doesn’t seem to have realized, however, the implications of the fact that Trump is not a fellow socialist internationalist. It isn’t that he doesn’t care about Canadians; it’s that as president of the United States, he will act in the best interests of Americans. It’s actually Trudeau’s job, not Trump’s, to act in the best interests of Canadians. 

And so the America-First president-elect asked Trudeau, “So your country can’t survive unless it’s ripping off the U.S. to the tune of $100 billion?”

At the end of it, Trump joked about turning Canickistan into our 51st state.

Well, now.

I know it was just a joke, but let’s run with this one for a moment.  Assume that this all happened, and suddenly the Great White Empty Space to our north became attached to the U.S.A.  There’s no way the whole of Canada would be just one state, of course;  but the provinces could easily become lots of different states.

I for one would be perfectly happy to see Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan as newcomer-states to the Land Of The Free, and I suspect that the citizens thereof might be just as happy at such a union.

Ontario, Quebec, BritColumbia and Atlantic provinces… eh, not so much.  Ontario and B.C. are absolute non-starters because to be quite honest, we have enough socialist states of our own (California, Illinois, Oregon, NY etc.) without adding some more socialist senators to Congress.  (I’m not familiar enough with New Brunswick and the Newfies to know their politics, but I suspect that they’d be closer to Ontario than to Alberta, so to speak.)

And then there’s Quebec, with that ultra-Francophone fetish.  While that leads to excellent French restaurants in Montreal and Quebec City, it’s not enough to overcome their grating insistence on French as The Other Official Language, with all the bollocks and inefficiency that bilingualism entails.

To be honest, though, there’s way too much Woke in the whole of Canuckistan for us to have to deal with — gawd knows, it’s going to take long enough just to end the bullshit in our own backyard, without having to deal with Ultra-Woke Canadians as well.

Like all good colonizers, we’d want all the good stuff:  oil, gold, natgas, forests etc.  But all that good doesn’t come closer to countering all the bad.

So yeah:  while it’s an amusing joke and all, it just ain’t gonna happen.  Sorry, my Canucki Readers — who are definitely not wokistas — but there it is.

And Custer’s Having Problems

Some days the wind blows strongly, some days softly, and other days not at all.  This is not a suggestion, nor yet a theory, but a statement of fact based upon… oh, century upon century of daily observation and measurement.

So why would you want to base your energy supply upon so changeable a source?

Well to most of us, the answer is simple:  you shouldn’t.  Unfortunately, there are others — some in positions of great authority and power — who see the whole thing differently.  And some in that latter group are now getting bitten in the ass:

“At the beginning of this month, Germany’s power supply reached its limits,” Dr. Markus Krebber wrote on LinkedIn.

Citing Nov. 6 as an example, Krebber bemoaned extreme high energy prices and “shortage of supply.” He also warned that the “same situation would not have been manageable on another day with a higher peak load.”

In other words, Europe’s over-reliance on wind power means that when wind speeds slow, energy producers sometimes cannot meet demand.

This state of affairs suppressed energy supply and raised prices in the UK, Germany and elsewhere in northern Europe earlier this month.

You don’t say.

Of course, British government officials have learned all the wrong lessons from “Dunkelflaute.”

For instance, Chris Stark, appointed in July to head the government’s new clean energy-focused Mission Control, doubled down on renewables.

“Even small amounts of low-carbon flex can displace a lot of gas. We’ll also need to support the build of a lot of new renewable generation – of all types, but especially offshore wind,” Stark said on Nov. 5.

Indeed.  When foolishness proves not to work, what you need is… MOAR FOOLISHNESS.  So if the wind isn’t blowing at all, more wind generators will solve the problem.  Does he even realize how stupid he sounds?

As with all Socialism, when the facts do not conform to the theory, the theory is still paramount.


When The Traffic Lights Stopped

For a nation that’s supposedly laden with hard-headed common sense and a strong work ethic but is in fact more left-wing than anything else, Germany has slammed into the wall that bedevils similar political philosophies all over:  they’ve run out of other people’s money to spend.

And with what is so common among nations afflicted with a multi-party political system, their latest coalition government has therefore collapsed, crucified by essentially three factors: immigration (and growing popular resistance thereto), insane socio-economic policies fueled by Green eco-nonsense (e.g. an EV mandate which has led to closure of auto factories and concomitant unemployment), and a screaming insistence (via a cordon sanitaire* ) on preventing anything resembling a “Right-wing” party (the Alternative for Germany — AfD) from coming to power, either outright or even by parliamentary coalition.  In no small part, this is because the German Left persists in labeling anything not left-wing as “Nazi” or “fascist”, which tactic may be familiar to my Murkin Readers.

The Germans can’t embark on deficit spending so beloved of Leftist governments (e.g. the UK’s Labour Party and the U.S. Democrats), because the German constitution forbids it.  Even when they try all sorts of accounting legerdemain, the German courts wag their judicial finger and say, “Nein.”

Of course, the solution is simple:  firstly, end the flood of Merkel-enabled immigration (which is proving to be, surprise surprise, an economic drain on even the well-funded German welfare state, not to mention a social flashpoint as the Muslim immigrants are violent and not assimilating into the Kultur );  and secondly, the German government should end the slavish adherence to radical Green policies which, as anyone with common sense knows, are impractical, costly and doomed to failure.

Unfortunately, those initiatives seem to be precisely the two main policies of the AfD political platform.  Oops.

For a very clear analysis of all the above, feel free to wander over here.

And thennnnn… there is the looming prospect of a Trump Administration which will refuse to bankroll any of this shit, will insist on Germany spending more on their military NATO obligations (which they can’t afford to do)  — and all this with the Russo-Ukranian war raging right on their doorstep.

An historical aside:  the leftwing SDP (Social Democrat Party) has been a political disaster pretty much since its inception, despite being traditionally the largest political party in Germany.  They pretty much enabled Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s by refusing to participate in any centrist government coalition, and they remain a political speed bump to this day.

The Krauts are in deep shit:  rocks are meeting hard places all over the polity, and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of eco-insane Socialists.

In this modern German context, a “cordon sanitaire”  is shorthand for “stop the AfD from coming to power, by any means necessary”.  Hence the parliamentary alliance between three parties with diametrically-opposed philosophies (that has just collapsed).


Don’t make me laugh, asshole:

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday Beijing and Washington must find a way to “get along” in a message to US president-elect Donald Trump, state media reported.

In his first message to Trump since the former president secured a second term, Xi said “history has shown that China and the United States benefit from cooperation and suffer from confrontation”, state broadcaster CCTV said.

“A stable, healthy and sustainable China-US relationship is in the common interest of both countries and is in line with the expectations of the international community,” Xi said.

He called for Washington and Beijing to “strengthen dialogue and communication” and “properly manage differences”.

Yeah, sure.  Stop trying to invade Taiwan, stop trying to colonize the entire SE Asia area, stop hassling India’s border, stop supporting Iran with arms and munitions, stop vetoing the US in the UN, and stop doing a few other things I can’t remember at the moment (but I bet Trump has a list).

Do all that, and we can talk.  No?

Then fuck you, you Commie shitbrain, and buckle in because it’s going to be a rough ride… for you.