Splendid Isolation

News Roundup

And speaking of squealing butt-bandits:

...ooooh do those naughty Porsche buyers still not want to buy those overpriced Duracell cars, then?  And still on the same course-change:

...all that “renewable” bullshit still nothing like good old-fashioned oil, huh?

...considering that most of his victims were Muslim immigrants — oh wait, you didn’t know that?

...haven’t eaten there since they downgraded the menu, so I’m indifferent.

...unmentioned:  he probably had a better patient-survival rate than 50% of actual NHS doctors.

...perhaps he could have made his point a lot more effectively by just ramming his speculum up the tranny’s urethra.

Introducing our newest department:

...ehhhh leave them for the Asian Murder Hornets to handle.

In the Dept. of Education:

...seems to me that SHE was the one with “special” needs.  Keyword:  Colorado.

...keyword: Australia.

And in our best-ever 


...at least it was only for an ad, and not for OnlyFans.

...no man should.



Ugh.  She’s bad enough, but then you’d have to be exposed to the rest of the coven…


I love Yiddish, because so many of their terms are just wonderful to use as a pithy description of despicable behavior.

Today, we focus on the word chutzpah, which means “effrontery”, “cheek”, “impudence”, “gall” and so much more in the same vein.

For those still unclear on the concept, here’s a wonderful example:

California Gov Gavin Newsom (D) recently traveled to Washington to seek federal aid for addressing the impact of the recent fires.

How is this chutzpah?  Consider the context.

California, which failed to prevent the spread of wildfires in Los Angeles last month and is struggling to repair the damage, is set to spend nearly $10 billion on health care for illegal aliens.

…and even better:

Newsom recently signed $50 million in new spending to fight President Donald Trump’s policies.

I know what I would have said to him, were I the POTUS.

Esn drek aun shtarbn, mamzer.”

For my non-Tribe Readers, that’s “Eat shit and die, you bastard.”

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

This one made my heart swell with pride  (but also with sorrow):

According to Kentucky State Police, troopers were dispatched to the home in Manchester around 4:30 a.m. Saturday for reports of a shooting.  When troopers arrived, they found two men with gunshot wounds.

Jeffrey Allen, 51, was pronounced dead at the scene. Roger Smith, 44, was transported to an area hospital but later died.

Police said that the two men had broken into the home with the intention of stealing firearms from a safe.  During the break-in, a juvenile living in the home saw the men holding firearms. Acting in self-defense, police said, the child retrieved a handgun and shot both men before escaping through a bedroom window.

Police did not give the exact age of the child who shot the alleged intruders.

Now, why is my heart filled with sorrow?  Because as much as I applaud the kid’s actions, I hope like hell that this doesn’t cause him mental anguish.

Folks, it’s no fun taking a human life, even when the taking is both morally and legally justified.  And as much as I post these events and make light of them, I truly do not want kids to be involved.  It’s bad enough for an adult to deal with;  it’s horrible for a young ‘un.

That said, at least this kid wasn’t a victim of these two asshole goblins;  now that would have made me really angry.

In passing, the “Emily van der Riet” in the byline is this young lady:

She may even be a Seffrican, with that name — it’s quite a common one back in the Vaderland.  As long as she isn’t a liberal…


Surrendering to an enemy is not always a bad thing.  Sometimes, your position is hopeless, and continuing the struggle is not only pointless but perhaps ruinous — loss of life, loss of country, whatever.

But surrendering to an enemy when you have won?  That, my friends, takes a lot of doing.   Try this for an example of the latter:

Are you fucking kidding me?  The murderous bitch was “upset”?   Bloody hell, why not just put sunglasses on her to cover her eyes as well?  Or why bother with a mugshot at all?

When she expressed her anguish at the facial mugshot, they should have re-shot the thing, thus:

Or even better, if she had the proper attributes:

That would have been much better treatment for her… but no, Milord Justice had to roll over like a little possum and accommodate her stupid religious custom, when she’s accused of trying to join ISIS to kill non-Muslim people.

Fuck ’em — not just the terrorists, but the spineless assholes who kowtow to them.

By the way:  before the original and oh-so-objectionable mugshot is scrubbed from the Internet by the judge’s little cousins in wokedom, here it is.