A Tale Of “Sixties”

Fiend Reader JC_In_PA sends me this article, which compares two old rimfire warhorses (the Marlin Model 60 and the Ruger 10/22) and then invites me to wade into the argument — which he correctly compares to the various X vs. Y arguments in the gun world (.45 ACP vs. 9mm, etc.).

And I respectfully decline the invitation.

You see, I’ve owned both at various times in my life, fired at least a jillion rounds through each — more than a few times at the same range session together — and for the life of me I can’t / won’t declare a favorite.

I love the heavier barrel of the Mod 60 — I shoot it more accurately than I do the 10/22 — and likewise prefer the reloading ease of the 10/22’s magazine over the Marlin’s tube.

At the moment, I don’t have a 10/22 — if anybody has a spare one that isn’t worn out, I’ll take it under advisement — but I’m not under any pressure to get one because I do have a Mod 60 standing in Ye Olde Gunne Sayfe #2 (alongside its bolt-action brother, the scoped Mod 880 SQ).

With these two Marlin brothers, therefore, I can indulge my plinking needs, whether in volume at tin cans (60) or when the occasion calls for single-hole accuracy at varmints or swinging plates (880).  I am blissfully happy with either activity.  While both rifles “prefer” CCI Min-Mag ammo, the Mod 60 will shoot just about anything, whereas the 880’s pinhole accuracy tends to drift towards more of a quarter-sized hole.

So yeah, I could do with some kind of 10/22 (because reasons) — such as this one:

…because with my crappy old-fart-eyesight, I need a scope to see the stupid target and one is somewhat limited in scope choice with the Mod 60 because of the scope mount shortcomings;  but I can’t honestly say that the lack thereof is burning a hole in my psyche, either.

What I really want is a Ruger 10/22M (.22 Win Mag) in its “International” full-stock variation:

…but they make hen’s teeth look like a household commodity, and when one does become available, it’s generally at a price which makes my nuts ache and causes my trigger finger to go numb.

Anyway… I seem to have wandered off the reservation here, but there ya go.

Marlin Model 60 or Ruger 10/22?  Take yer pick;  either is a good choice.

By the way:  everyone does own a .22 rifle, right?  Because if not:

It’s un-American.

(Furrin Readers — including those in New Jersey — get a pass on this one, because as we all know, semi-auto .22 rifles are the cause of a million human deaths every second — I read it on Teh Intarwebz, so it must be true  — and that’s why they’re banned in your benighted countries.)

Oh, and the title of this post?

The Marlin was released in 1960, while the Ruger 10/22 was released in 1964, making last year its sixtieth anniversary.


Saith C.W.:

And it is, right up until you pull the trigger.  I’ve had one of these in the past, and let me tell y’all, that teeny barrel doesn’t help with the .357 Mag’s recoil at all.

Carry lots, shoot a great deal less.

Quote Of The Day

From Karol Markowicz, talking about how she became a Gun Guy:

“There is no reason for a Jew not to be armed in 2024.”

…because those who would do you and your kind harm most certainly will be.

Welcome to the club, kid.  Oh, and by the way:  those who would help protect the Tribe (e.g. me) will most certainly be armed, too.

Classic Beauty: Sally Blane

I’ve spoken about Loretta Young and her sister Polly Ann before, and in the intro to the latter, I said the following:

Actor David Niven once described the Young sisters (Polly Ann, Elizabeth and Loretta) thus: “Each one was prettier than the others.”

So if I’ve looked at Loretta and Polly Ann, then where’s Elizabeth Young?

Here she is;  only she changed her stage name to Sally Blane.  In the early years:

And later on:

Good grief.  Small wonder that David Niven was so frequently a guest at the Young sisters’ house, the old dog.  Here he is with Loretta:

Sublime Beauty

Please watch just the first 8 minutes or so of this video, and then tell me why I shouldn’t lust after an Arnholt-Bristol:

Good grief, they’re beautiful.  And spendy.  Typically, they run for well over a quarter-million dollars, when you can find one.

Quality + scarcity + performance… you get the picture.

And speaking of the above features, the other two cars featured later in the video aren’t bad, either.