Always The Assholes

Driving around this part of north Texas, I often see bumper stickers that proclaim allegiance to FJB, Beto, Teh Planet etc.  (Not that it matters much:  Trump 59%, Biden 41%.)

While I am admittedly  triggered thereby, the trigger just manifests itself into a shake of the head, or maybe even a muttered “What an asshole”, said under my breath.

Why then, when someone who is not of the Leftist persuasion posts up a similar message of support for their side, Lefty assholes are so often triggered into violence and/or property damage?

A 63-year-old leftist from Syracuse, New York, has been arrested in Florida after being accused of keying a pickup truck with a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker that provoked his ire.

And yeah, he looks like an old retired hippie, quelle surprise.

The only good part of the story — other than him being found out and arrested, that is — is that his wife apparently had a go at him for his stupidity… at having been caught, is my guess, rather than for the deed itself.

Fucking trash.

Let Austin Sink

Who could ever have predicted this outcome?

Texas’ woke capital, Austin, is in the midst of a policing crisis with over 300 vacancies and cops quitting because they feel disrespected, multiple sources tell The Post.

Another 77 officers are expected to retire before the end of March — on top of 264 existing vacancies, according to the Austin Police Association.

Austin Police Department’s staffing is so bad, 911 calls are being redirected to the 311 non-emergency number because there aren’t enough cops to solve crimes.

So… who could ever have predicted this outcome?

Anyone with a fucking brain, is who.

Which effectively excludes anyone who supports Austin politics, that is to say a large majority of people who live there.  Enjoy the apocalypse, assholes.

Just What We Needed

Apparently, Massachusetts is going to allow topless sunbathing om Nantucket Island.

This would occasion no more than a yawn from me, ordinarily, but allow me to point out the kind of people who live on Nantucket (and other islands off the MA coast):

Not that we need any more reasons to never visit Massachusetts, mind you.

(And before anyone gets after me, let me tell you that I’ve been to Nantucket, Block and Martha’s Vineyard in summer — and if anything, the above pics are quite flattering.)

Declining Standards

Back in the days of my very-much misspent yoot, we did the student protest thing not just because of injustice and fighting back against The Man etc., but also because it was a really good place to pick up chicks.  And by and large, they were good-looking ones too.


Yeesh.  No wonder all the male protesters these days look like effeminate girlymen if not actual homosexualists.

Then again, if I drop the rose-colored spectacles for a moment, I also recall that a lot of the Indignant Womyns back then were kinda like the scolds we see today:  uhly, humorless and fanatical.

No man should.

Simple Rejoinder

Every single year, we are subjected to what I call the “Anniversary Wails” of the peaceniks — said anniversaries being those the destruction of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, etc. during the later stages of WWII.

“O how horrible!” they kvetch and moan, “We dropped big bombs on helpless pore civilians of the German / Japanese persuasion!”

I find it interesting that we never acknowledge, for example, the anniversaries of the flattening of Warsaw (September 25, 1939, in case anyone’s interested) or the bombing of Rotterdam by Hitler’s Luftwaffe (May 14, 1940, showing that Warsaw was no fluke).  The Japanese never got into the mass bombing of cities to the same degree that the Nazis did, other than a few Chinese cities like Nanking, but they made up for it by other kinds of savagery, as did the Germans by, for example, strafing columns of civilian refugees in Holland, Belgium and northern France.

In any event, I find this annual breast-beating and clothes-rending about bombing the shit out of German and Japanese cities quite boring and tiresome, for one simple reason:

They started it.

As far as I’m concerned, they deserved every single bit of shit that rained out of the skies onto their totalitarian, barbarous asses.

Every time someone wails about Germans being burned to death by RAF or USAAF bombs, just cast your minds back to all those old black-and-white newsreels of Hitler parading through German city streets, said streets being lined by tens of thousands of cheering… civilians.

And make no mistake:  had New York or San Francisco been closer to Europe and Japan respectively, and had the Nazis or Japs possessed nuclear weapons, they would have used them on us without a second thought.  To believe otherwise is to be ignorant of history.

Once again, the simple rejoinder is:  “Fuck ’em.  They started it.”

Hell To Pay

Seen as part of this article:

“The real question is not whether Trump will leave office in the event that he loses, but whether Democrats will accept the result if he wins.”

Hell, they didn’t accept his election in 2016, so expect the Loony Hysteria Switch to be pushed from 10 to 15.

It may involve mass rioting — worse than at present — and overt rebellion.  Clean yer guns and make sure of your ammo stocks:  this could get interesting.