
Sorry about the paucity of posts today — for some reason, they got scheduled for next week instead of today.  (Whether that’s some quirk of WordPress or just idiocy on my part… well, take your pick.)

See below for the update.


…got wi-fi to work.

Massive rant to follow once I’ve cleared up all my Inbox junk/spam/Reader emails, maybe later today.

In the meantime, here’s Gia Scala:

…a matched pair of shotguns from Asprey’s:

…and a Ferrari 250 GT Lusso by Berlinetta:

Fair Warning

Today’s Moving Day, finally.  I mean, most of our stuff is already at the new place, but the movers are coming to take care of all the Big ‘N Heavy Stuff — bed, armoire, couch and chairs — and I’ll be sort of between Internet services.  (From long and bitter experience, I expect that despite all my careful planning, AT&T is somehow going to cock things up so I might be Internet-free for the next couple of days.)

Please be patient;  “normal” service should resume shortly.

I hope.

Policy Change

As all Readers know, I prefer that comments be more or less attached to the post topic, because otherwise things can get out of control, and I lack the patience and good humor to keep going back to the thing to fix it up.

But I suspect that a lot of you would like to get things off your collective chest, and sound off about something that has irritated / angered / pleased / aroused you, whatever.

This has become evident in the popularity of “Open Post” features (Insty can get thousands of comments in his free-for-all posts, for example).

So from now on, I am declaring my News Roundup posts to be open for all or any comments, regardless of topic.  As you know, they appear every Tuesday and Friday, so each week you get two whacks of the axe, so to speak.  (If you have trouble logging in to comment, let me know by email;  I’ll pass it on to TSII, and he will get to it as time permits.)

Enjoy — I’m not going to censor or delete anything, unless it’s completely horrible or egregious ad hominem  attacks on other Readers (my back porch, my judgment, no appeal).  I think you all know my limits by now, so it should be easy.

And FFS, please don’t use this freedom to try to fuck me over, because that will not end well (for you).