1. 22 years later I still get tense on this day. I missed the attack by minutes that day. Long story. I worked a block away. But if you know the subway terminated at the WTC. I was set to walk out of the subway at my usual time …9am. Customers perished and my neighborhood on Long Island lost 20 people. Even my daughters classmates lost parents. Now of course I continued to visit customers downtown over the months. Continued to work out of the office there. Everything covered in that dreadful white powder. It took 10 years to develop blood cancer. But those bastards keep killing additional Americans.

  2. On 11-Sep-01 I was working at major US defence facility installing a sensor aimed at preventing aerial attack by terrorists in the facility.

    It was a terrible day.

    From my foreign AO, God Bless America and her people.

  3. The enemy is inside the gates and working diligently and openly.

    “We the people” either, don’t care, are blind, or don’t know what to do.

    I’m in a constant effort to deepen and reinforce our bolt hole.

    The Winter Soldier

  4. It is my belief, after all these years, that someone still owes us, blood for blood, for this evil act. Someday we will exact payment from all involved, even the Saudis. If nothing else, we should be producing our own oil and energy products, and those d*mn goat herders can eat their oil.

    Donald Trump had the right idea. American self-sufficiency is American strength. We can do it again!

  5. After 22 years:

    * The foreign enemies who did this have been as dealt with as they’re ever going to be.

    *The domestic enemies who exploited this to advance their century plus scheme to dismantle our liberty prioritized way of life remain entirely at large, and largely in charge.

    That’s where our focus needs to be.

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