Quote Of The Day

This is just excellent:

“Now that President Biden has suspended his campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is the most qualified and best choice to lead us forward.”  — Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)

The truly funny part is that the moronic and unintelligible Harris might well be the most qualified Socialist of them all.  But a better choice would have been a hedgehog.

Which says all you need to know about the Democratic Socialists.

Many A True Word

Last week I created this snarky meme after the Labour Party won the general election in Britishland:

And it was meant to be a bitter joke.  (The tarty redhead is Labour’s Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner).  So imagine my interest when this little snippet appeared in the news a few days later:

How to protect your money if Labour mounts an inheritance tax raid on pensions

Pensions, for example, have been a safe haven for those who want to pass on their wealth without the taxman taking a cut. And millions of people have ploughed money into their retirement savings with this in mind. But even this last bastion could now fall into the clutches of inheritance tax.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has been urged by policy wonks to consider an inheritance tax raid on pension pots, amid rising pressure to meet public spending targets. Leading think tanks have told her the move could raise up to £2 billion a year in takings from grieving families.

So, as the title of this post suggests, sometimes the jest turns into reality.

Basically, the takeaway is this:  any chance the Communists can get to steal your money and / or property, they’ll grab it in their greedy little claws.

Millions And Millions

There’s been a lot of harrumphing about Elon Musk setting up a “Super PAC” (political action committee) to channel tons of moolah into the Trump reelection campaign (here’s one take).

Of course, the Communists aren’t going to take this lying down, oh no.  Expect to see a lot of “Musk is evil” opinions emanating from the Left, and “a few people influencing and endangering our democraceh” wailing.  (Standard Left procedure:  if you can’t overcome the ideas, demonize the characters.)

Of course, when the Left does the PAC thing, it’s all well and good.  Zuckerberg spending millions to enable (possible fraudulent) voting drives?  No biggie.  Soros funding campaigns of other Commies in key state positions?  Why not?

But let a few conservative rich guys do the same for their candidate?  Oh no, that has to be stopped.

Fuck ’em, and the hypocritical horse they rode in on.


That word describes so much about FJBiden, but this one is especially so:

President Joe Biden spoke to the NAACP and called for Congress to “outlaw” AR-15s and similar rifles in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Biden began by saying, “If you’re going to speak about violence, you’re going to speak about guns.”

He said, “An AR-15 was used in shooting Donald Trump, this was the ‘assault weapon’ that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them. I did it once and I will do it again.”

…followed by all the old lies about infant mortality, which we’ve heard before ad nauseam.

You know, when it comes to a lone asshole with a gun and an agenda, an unscoped AR-15 poodleshooter in the hands of a callow 20-year-old loser might actually be less dangerous than, say a scoped Savage 110, chambered in .308 Win in the hands of an experienced hunter (of any age).

No doubt the Communists would be all about banning “sniper rifles”, then.

Feckless bastards, and that goes especially for FJBiden who, if his brain was operating at any level higher than warm rice pudding (a big “if”) might be taken seriously on this issue.

As it is, just file his feeble rantings about assault rifles with all the other sludge emanating from his wide-open cakehole, and ignore.