Nothing Wrong

I see this headline, and I just chuckle — snigger, even:

Fury as ‘Hamas-style’ headbands and ‘From the River to the sea’ T-shirts on sale on Etsy and Amazon

In the first place, we have that inconvenient First Amendment thing (although I know this is about Britishland, where the “hate speech” thing is well-rooted — see “Expressing support for Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation, is a criminal offence in the UK.”).

And secondly, I have no problem with these little tits wearing said headbands, because it makes things a lot easier, so to speak:

…and my freedom to publish this is protected by that very same inconvenient First Amendment.

Just sayin’.

Well, Here We Are

Seems as though the horrible Washington Post has had to pull a cartoon for being, and I quote, “grossly mischaracterizing” and “blatantly mocking the crisis in the Middle East”.  Also, “The caricatures employ racial stereotypes that were offensive and disturbing. Depicting Arabs with exaggerated features and portraying women in derogatory, stereotypical roles perpetuates racism and gender bias, which is wholly unacceptable.”

So what’s all the fuss about?  If the Post can’t publish it, I sure as hell can:

So if Ramirez had made the spokesman look like Owen Wilson and the cowering woman was wearing a bikini, then everything would be okay?

And the terrorists do exactly what the cartoon shows:  hide behind women and children, then scream bloody murder when the women and children are harmed.

Feel free to explain to me exactly what is inaccurate in the above.

Oh and by the way, for those who are Perpetually Indignant, cartoons are supposed to shock and surprise people.

And fuck you.

On A Roll

…is what the VodkaPundit has been recently.  This one in particular is trademark Stephen-Funny:

Imagine you’re a people like the South Syrian Arabs who (barely) populated the region between the Jordan and the sea a hundred years ago. Suddenly, pioneer Zionists start showing up and offering money for your crappy bits of desert. Next thing you know, the Jewish-run parts are turning green with forests and lush with crops, and modern cities spring up out of almost nowhere. Meanwhile, the Arab-run parts remain pretty much as arid and worthless as they ever were, only more crowded.

There’s a whole host of reasons why that happened, but those “thieving” Jews A) didn’t steal anything and B) are only barely responsible for your woes.

A Western grownup would assess the situation and realize that it’s time to change his ways. A loser crybully straps on a suicide vest and — well, you know the rest.

I wouldn’t have used “only barely” for “not at all”, but that’s a minor quibble.

However, I haven’t read the Hamas Style Guide recently, but “loser crybully” is now apparently the accepted alternative to “worthless Arab asshole”.

Duly noted.

Alternative Targets

We all saw how the foul Biden “Administration” tried to deport a (White, Christian) couple back to Germany for the supposed “crime” of homeschooling their children.

If they’re all fired-up about deporting people, how about this crowd?

As warnings of possible Islamic terrorist attacks within the U.S. intensify, a resurfaced clip shows hundreds of American children from the heart of Texas chanting references to Iran’s supreme leader and pledging allegiance to him, while praising martyrdom.

Note that I’m simply suggesting that we should deport this entire bunch of kiddie terrorsymps (and their parents, who are surely to blame for this nonsense) over to Iran, as opposed to granting them their wish for martyrdom.

For their own good, of course;  surely they’d be much happier under the benevolent rule of Khameini back in Shi’a-land, rather than having to endure the hardship of life in Texas?

In the meantime, we could revoke the citizenship of any and all of those who became such, either by naturalization or by birth.

Odds of any of this happening:  zero.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range for a little shooting practice, just in case any of those little assholes or their parents are tempted to bring their shit up to north Texas.

Schadenböner Alert

You would have to have a heart of stone not to pee yourself laughing at this one, and I don’t:

Several Harvard University students came out quickly after Saturday’s terrorist attacks in Israel to blame Israelis for the carnage and support Hamas.

Public scrutiny fell on these individuals and now many appear to regret their pro-Hamas position.

The Harvard Arab Alumni Association has reportedly put out a statement requesting aid for the students whose first reaction was to stand in solidarity with the terrorists who raped, killed, captured, and decapitated innocent civilians.

”They may require legal counsel, healthcare, mental health support, financial aid, or mentorship to navigate these turbulent and uncertain times,” the statement reads.

The Harvard Arab Alumni Association has expressed concern for the students’ “immigration status and future career prospects.”

Deport those who qualify, and put the rest on food stamps for, oh, the next twenty years.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to attend to my clothing.

News Roundup — Special Glueball Jihate Edition

...[insert circumcision joke here]

And now in the “No Man Should” Department:

...with all the enthusiasm the Biden Administration has showed in protecting our borders… okie-dokie.

...and nobody is surprised.


...because having solved all Seffrica’s current problems, he now wants to end all foreign investment in his shithole country. use them.  Oh wait, I forgot:  Macron.

...♫ ♪  old times there am not forgotten  ♪ ♫ ♪...

Back Home:

...wait, I’m getting confused.  Does he mean that Angry Parents© are going to jihad now?

In the Unintentional Hilarity / Irony Department:


...wait;  aren’t those the hospitals whose basements house the Hamas rocket factories and arsenals?

...excellent... BUT WAIT!

you lost me at “captured Hamas terrorist”.

...alive or dead, she’ll still vote Democrat in the next election.  And speaking of liberal New Yorkers:

...guess there were a few MSNBC viewers who were also Jewish? [/snark]


And in the special Jihad Comic Section:

...who she?  Well… some Lebanese chick who went into porn:


Hmmm… not sure that’s a disincentive to jihad, but whatever.

But as my Tribe friends all say: