News Roundup

Let’s start off with some The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© news:

...just keeping their Old Country “rape” tradition alive.

...another of those unforeseen consequences, no doubt. is this asshole still relevant?  Aren’t there any old gangsters’ safes left for him to open anymore?

...doing his bit for the Glueball Jewhate.  And speaking of jihad:

...I was amazed to see that they were Jewish.

And from the Dept. of Education:

...I have a few ideas myself, but most would probably draw the attention of law enforcement.

...featuring fried chicken and chitlins study aids.

Now for some news:

...all together now:  “Awwwww…”

And in the We All Knew That Duh department:

...considering that all Republican women are stronger than the typical emasculated Democrat man, this is scarcely surprising.  And speaking of emasculation:

...of course, it’s not your fairy marketing that sucks, it’s all the fault of your customers.

...I’m reminded of our college parties back in the 70s.  Except for the razors, maybe.

And now for some 

         ...well, she kinda is.’s always a pleasure when Good Golly Miss Holly shows off her legs:

Here she is as a youngin:

And on that leggy note, we end this Roundup.