So let’s get to work, then:
...but-but-but I was reliably informed that Trump’s election would cause an economic collapse.
Let’s have a little MAGA News, but first, a summary:
And some details:
...OUR new Attorney General.
...what, no prison sentences? <pout>
...hur hur hur… he said “pulling out”. too, Stephen. Oh good grief…
To continue:
In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...fucking hell, they needed a “report” to tell them that? Never mind, I’m sure their “plan” will be put into effect by 2040 at the latest. you admit you’d be breaking the law by employing illegal immigrants, then? Noted.
In the annals of Stupid Superstitions:
...and in other news, the people who read chicken entrails decide that we’re going to have rain sometime in April.
In Medical News:
...hell, I know several women who act like they are. Also:
…it’s just a good thing that she isn’t allergic to her orgasms.
In the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:
From the files of Lawn Order:
...that’s sticking it to the Man, you betcha. No stupid cop is going to tell him how to drive.
...errrr I think you’ll find that’s illegal, you asshole. Keyword: Dallas.
And in our sex-drenched
As we set off down : we take another look at out favorite Nigora, first with the old man:
...and then, flying solo:
And at another address on the same street:
...okay, she’s way too emaciated for me, but for those who like the Bony Type:
...and I have to admit, she’s not bad for 53.
Finally, speaking of today’s sponsor:
And that’s the news, all geared up for the week.