I Warned You

When I said that these assholes were going to start imposing their stupid religion on the rest of us, and we should just start shooting them dead in the streets and firebombing their restaurants, everyone said, “Oh noes, Kim… that would be Krool & Hartless!

I speak here not of Muslims, but of vegans:

The group is called Animal Rebellion and its quest to force Britons into compulsory veganism is about to become very high profile. Over the coming days, the organisation is expected to bring thousands of supporters onto the streets, potentially causing serious disruption to the country’s food supplies.
One speaker says: ‘It doesn’t matter if you are the nice one who didn’t want to get arrested, or you’re the one at the front who did. Everyone who goes down there [to London] has to be aware of that, and make sure it’s not going to be stopped by a few people getting pulled away [by the police].’

As the alien cockroach said to Vincent D’Onofrio in Men In Black, “Challenge accepted.”

Or, for those of us who are more old-fashioned in these matters and want to prevent Sherman engine emissions because #SaveThePlanet:

Your suggestions in Comments — and I would suggest that as these little totalitarian bastards get all upset at the sight of blood, the more bloodthirsty your solutions, the better the irony.  Have at it.

Literary Freedom

Apparently the Brits have got their panties all in a knot over a book.   It’s called My Little Book Of All The Brexiteers I Want To Stab, and of course the fury is because Amazon offered it for sale.

Even though the “hate speech” bullshit is most often used by the Left against conservatives, on this occasion it’s Brexiteers using the liberal fascists’ cancel culture rule against the Remainers.  But that doesn’t make it right, now, does it?

Let’s play a little game here, seeing as the Left seems not to mind calling for Trump, Scalise, Clarence Thomas et al. to be assassinated.  I’m not going to play the “One Shot” game because quite frankly, we need more than one shot to eliminate most of the Leftist / Never Trumper assholes which infest our body politic.

Instead, we’ll use a popular motif on this here website:

Send me an email (NOT in Comments) in which you assign each of your favorite hang-worthy assholes a number, ranked from 1-15 in descending  order of hangworthyness (i.e. #1=worst, #15=least objectionable), e.g. 1:  Eric Swalwell, 2: Elizabeth Warren, 3: Paul Ryan, 4: Nancy Pelosi, 5: Beto etc etc all the way to 15: Wayne LaPierre.  Nominate anyone you want (except me;  compared to the pustules which infest society at the moment, I’m barely worth noticing).  I’ll tabulate the responses over the weekend and post the results sometime next week.  Emails arriving after Sunday won’t be tabulated.

Hatin’ On The Feds

Wah wah wah the FedGov alphabet agencies, after despising us and treating ordinary citizens like criminals and scum for decades, are suddenly waking up to the fact that we hate them back, and they’re all butt-hurt about it:

Many arms of government are unpopular with large swathes of the American population, and people are not shy about expressing their contempt.
For those of us who want a smaller, much less intrusive government, that should be viewed as a trend to nurture and encourage. And what a trend it is.

Remember a few years back when Martha Stewart was tossed in jail for lying to a federal agent?  They’d tried for years to get her on tax evasion charges, and failed dismally.  So when they couldn’t get her for that, they lied to her about some information they claimed to have, and demanded a statement.  When she couldn’t remember the details and relied on faulty memory, they nailed her for it — and it was all because she was a high-profile target (which they love because it brings attention to their untiring efforts to keep the country safe [eyecross] ).  So the feds can lie to you, about anything, but get one detail wrong and they can bend you over the desk.  That’s why they don’t record interviews — unlike local police forces, which have to — which means that there’s no evidence that they lied or tried otherwise to entrap you.  (Which is why President Trump refused to be interviewed by the Robert Mueller Gestapo, by the way, when those assholes wouldn’t give him written questions to answer — hint:  paper trail.)

And of course, the feds, be they the FBI, IRS or any of the other alphabet soup minions can have it both ways if they don’t  want to prosecute, by asking softball or irrelevant questions of the accused, then just ignoring any which might have been incriminating.  Which is why Hillary “Illegal Private Email Server” Clinton isn’t wearing orange overalls as we speak.

Let’s not even mention  Ruby Ridge or Waco.

So yeah:  put me in the camp of those who don’t trust, believe or support most federal agencies… anymore.

And that’s the important point, here.  For years — decades — after I came over as an immigrant, I always thought that these agencies were on the side of the right, and that justice was their goal in protecting us from criminals.  Silly me, it isn’t.  As the past decade has proved, they’re little different from the criminal enterprises they purport to be saving us from.  When agents start talking about their targets’ families, and how their  job prospects or college careers could be affected by their parents’ culpability, all I’m reminded of is that infamous Cosa Nostra phrase:  “Nice little business you have here.  Pity if something bad were to happen to it.”

Government agencies have been acting increasingly like petty gauleiters  and thugs, and now they wonder why people loathe and distrust them?

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

It’s not often that we get to applaud a self-administered  Righteous Shooting, but this one deserves special mention as it happened in Britishland.  Try not to burst out with raucous and joyful laughter as you follow the link, lest you frighten the other people at the office.  Here’s a brief synopsis:

Choirboy wants to do a little impromptu (or maybe planned, see below) property redistribution by breaking into a parked car.  Holding a shotgun, he smashes the butt thereof into the car window.

Thus far, all is happening as per usual in these cases.  Here’s where it gets (wonderfully) different.

Perhaps being unaware of the maxim, “Keep the booger-hook off the bang-switch”, said choirboy has finger on the trigger, and when the shotgun’s butt hits the window, he pulls the trigger, blasting a full load of buckshot(?) into his own fool chest, and dying on the spot.

[pause to allow the laughter and cheering to subside]

But it gets better.

There is surveillance video (see the link) which shows the other  members of the choir seeing what happened, holding him, trying to revive him, and generally wailing with shock and horror before running away.

Now  you can howl with laughter, with my permission.  And if this tragic tale doesn’t help you start the week with a smile on your face, you need help.

So Much For That Freedom

I know that this travesty happened in Britishland and not Over Here, but I can foresee such a thing happening should the Socialists ever get their hands on the levers of power:

Anti-Semitic blogger who sang songs on YouTube comparing the Holocaust to a ‘theme park’ is JAILED after publishing 50 new posts in breach of a ban on social media use

Given the subject matter of this foul woman’s blog, I’m just surprised that she wasn’t offered a senior position in Britain’s Labour Party.

Now Longtime Readers will know full well that I have no time — none — for anti-Semites:  I think they’re nasty little fuckers, without exception.  But as with all things pertaining to freedom, I look at the bigger picture, see the intolerance being shown towards viewpoints that do not adhere to the modern ideals of political correctness —  such as, for example, every other post on my  blog —  and the only difference Over Here is that while the politically-incorrect can be “de-platformed” by host providers such as FaecesBook, WeirdPress or YooChube, that’s a whoooole ‘nother animal from being chucked in jail  for the same “offences”.

And yet I wonder:  if the Loony Left [redundancy alert] are ever given complete control over our society, can anyone persuade me that it could never  become a crime, for example, to be a “climate change denier”, “sexual harasser” or a “Nazi” (by their definition of the terms)?

Given that these tits want to abolish the Second Amendment altogether, adding a few asterisks to the First would be a simple task.

Delenda est Sinistrae  (if I may be so “intolerant”).

Serious Question

Is it just me, or is every Socialist / Democrat 2020 candidates’ debate just turning into a competition to see who can go “fullest” Communist?

“We need to register all assault rifles and their owners!”
“No, we’re going to restrict sales of AR-15 assault rifles!”
“No, we’ll make them all illegal!”
“No,we’ll go from door to door and forcibly confiscate them!”
“No,we’ll summarily execute anyone who even owns one!”

(That last one hasn’t actually been said yet, but there are still several more debates to come.)

“We’re going to limit the salaries of corporate executives!”
“No, we’re going to tax corporations at 95%!”
“No, we’re going to confiscate the retirement funds of the wealthy!”
“No, we’re going to tax net wealth as well as income!”
“No, we’re going to abolish capitalism altogether!”

Or there’s the usual climate bullshit:

“We need to close all coal-burning power stations!”
“We need to convert the nation to electric cars and public transport!”
“We need to abolish private transportation altogether!”
“We need to use solar- and wind-power exclusively to generate electricity!”


“There are too many people in our jails!”
“We need to release all non-violent felons!”
“We need to release a whole bunch of Black felons so that the prison population can better resemble the racial profile of the nation!”

(No doubt, the empty jail cells would soon be filled with former owners of AR-15s and AK-47s, which would suit these assholes just fine.)

As for medical (“health”) care:

“We need to reinstate ObamaCare!”
“No, we need to make health care free to everybody who can’t afford it, including illegal immigrants undocumented visitors!”
“No, we need to abolish private medical insurance altogether!”
“No, we need to copy Britain’s National Health Service and offer free medical care to anyone who comes here!”

“We should open our borders to anyone who feels in the slightest bit oppressed in their home country!”
“We should open our borders to anyone who is poor in their home country!”
“Everyone in the world has a right to come to the United States!”

I could go on, but I think you get my drift.  No policy is too stupid, or costly, or oppressive, or unworkable that it hasn’t been enthusiastically accepted, supported and made still more  stupid, costly and oppressive by the inhabitants of the Clown Car.

An intelligent person has to be appalled at the thought of any of these ineffectual dilettantes becoming POTUS and sitting down to negotiate with the feral Communists of China, the fanatical Muslims of the Middle East or even the “soft” socialists of Europe.  Like has-been POTUS Urkel, they will probably espouse the failed diplomatic policy of America as the problem, not the solution;  and none of them will be interested in getting tough with our overseas competitors and enemies.

From their stated positions, however, it is clear that they are quite prepared to get tough with Americans.