1. BEST President in my 41 years on this planet.

    Special thank you to Tom Homan as well!

    Trump and Homan are giving the USA a much needed enema.

    1. I’ve already seen a story where Mexico refused permission to land. The article continued to blame ” a bureaucratic mis communication ” for the incident.

      I have a possible solution – C5’s were designed with the capability to land on remote dirt landing zones. Interestingly enough, the Cartels have thoughtfully built a number of these in remote location in Mexico. The C5 also has a proven rapid unloading system. The cargo is strapped to pallets. the pallets all linked together. The plane makes a touch and go landing on the dirt runway with the rear door open. the unloading parachute on the first pallet is deployed and The cargo is delivered. with minimal damage — most lof the time.
      Effective and less controversial that the Air Pinchet method of Return to point of origin.

      1. Simple. Don’t land.

        Parachutes are cheaper than welfare. Better yet hand out the parachutes that are seconds from the factory.

        If the planes sending ET home aren’t allowed to land, then ET’s jump / are thrown out of the plane in their country of origin or as close as we can safely get them to.

        Then we put US military and Border patrol agents at our borders with machine guns and tanks. Anyone tries to illegals cross we either make Swiss cheese out of them or make hamburger out of them.

        Fuck this illegal immigration shit. Take a tough stand and the bullshit will stop.

        Keep being pussies and the bullshit will continue.

      2. Isn’t Mexico run by a half Jewish vagina now? WTF.

        What we are now proving when we have women in leadership roles is not that women can do anything but rather that women can (and will) fuck shit up as bad or worse than men can

        # Equality = No merit
        # Fuck Mexico

      3. For any country of origin with a coast line: Strap cheap rubber rafts to the chain of pallets. Strap deportees in the rafts, padded by bubble-wrap. The straps are unlocked by inertial releases after hitting the water. Each raft has oars, a compass, and an arrow drawn on the compass indicating the bearing to land.

  2. 100 of those cavernous hulks should be slammed to the rafters with parasites of every sort, then after take-off and ascent the nose should be aimed to the heavens, the tailgate dropped, forward side doors opened to create and immense internal rear-draft, way out over the ocean, evacuating the contents.

    1. Can we do experiments? On the most aggressive illegals the assholes who trafficked dope, committed rape or murder etc – we handcuff the assholes together. Say 4 or 5 daisy chained and give one parachute for each set of 5. See how many survive.

      How many parachutes are needed for x number of illegal shit bags?

      Let’s find out!

  3. And if the country of destination refuses landing permission for the delivery, each deportee shall be fitted with a surplus WWII parachute and air dropped into the ocean at the internationally recognized 12 mile limit, or flight master’s choice, over jungle or grassy plain.

    As we are not animals (like these aliens), the individual has his choice of a flotation vest and canteen or cheap Chinese machete and canteen as the case warrants.

    Please note that this is far more humane than the older “Pinochet” methodology which was proven to work well, with zero recidivism..

  4. Let us land or we cut off all aid immediately. Then start reducing their foreign aid to zero. They can hate us for free.

    Maybe we should take some Venezuelan illegal immigrants and form them up into guerillas to overthrow their communist government but follow through unlike the Bay of Pigs debacle.

    1. Trump is the Best president i’ve seen ever.

      Problem is the RINO assholes. McConnell voted against Hegseth? Fucking cocksucker.

      The Republicans have Majority now. They need to stick together and stick it up the liberals asses while doing good for the American people.

      # VOTE OUT RINO’s

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