1. Hmmmmm. I was gonna say Washington DC, Moscow, and Beijing, leave the good folks but take out the leaders of all three places. But now that Trump won, I like how you think. Peel off the entire left coast in one fell swoop while the MAGA revolution mops up the rest of the country?

    Yer on to something!

  2. 1. House of Commons during State Opening of Parliament. This will be a mini-nuke to minimise collateral damage.

    2. Moscow, when Putin is there. This will be a small nuke to get rid of all his cronies and the whole corrupt Russian apparatus.

    3. Not sure of the location but it will be the China Communist Party’s big gathering. Again, a small nuke.

  3. 1. Tehran
    2. Pyongyang
    3. Moscow / wherever will hurt Russia most

    Yes, Beijing is notably absent. I figure these options will send a message “pour encourager les autres” and, truth be told, we still want an equitable relationship with China, unlike the other three.

  4. Tehran
    Vegas – little known fact: Las Vegas is an obscure Latin phrase. It means “Sprawling Urban Shithole In The Middle Of Nowhere, Punctuated By A Vomitously Gaudy, Plastic, Festering Open Sore Called The Strip.” I was condemned to a TDY there some years ago, when some agency or other analyzed the public sewage & determined that “We’re Number One!” re: meth consumption. Victory! Great place. Really.

  5. – Tehran
    – Pyongyang
    – Davos during the WEF.

    I thought about Beijing or Three Gorges Dam, but that wouldn’t be enough to dislodge the CCP.

    1. Perhaps a better idea for China: Pull a few hundred surplus transport aircraft from the boneyards stored in the desert. Restore them sufficiently for one last long-range flight, 75% success is acceptable, and install robot controls. Pack them with Mosin-Nagants, M3 greaseguns, and any kind of anti-tank RPG’s, and program them to scatter their cargo across the territory of Uighurs, Tibetans, and any other disarmed and grossly unhappy subjects of the Beijing regime.

  6. Please leave LA and San Fran alone. The latter has some beautiful architecture, and the former seems to be taking care of itself.

    Me? I would target Wherever Kim Jong Whatshisfatface has his palace (may be the capitol, may not) and a ground zero that would take out the government pest holes in Iran (again, might not be dead center of the capitol), and hold one in reserve.

  7. Beijing
    With those three gone, we can deal with Russia.
    wherever Uhbama is.
    Los Angeles; ground zero = government center
    Sacramento; ground zero = wherever California legislature is in session

  8. 1) San Andreas Fault. I’m tired of waiting.
    2) NYC. Every Guido who ever drove through would claim to have survived.
    3) Hiroshima. Just in case they think we have any regrets.

  9. The problem I have with Nukes is that their radiation gets pushed downwind and their destruction is just too broad of a stroke. Sure, that’s fine for Mecca, Medina, most of the Mideast but it becomes a problem for the coastal city of Nancy Pelosi’s district because the nuclear fallout will blow through the farmland of California. That region produces a lot of food for us and the people there are generally conservative from what I hear. They’re just outnumbered at the polls by leftists, idiots and fraudsters in the cities.

  10. Davos during the WEF, preferably with Soros and several of the Rothschilds in attendance.

    Martha’s Vineyard during a packed holiday weekend.

    Brussels during a full assembly of the EU.

    I can’t think of any other targets with higher concentrations of transnational progs.

  11. OMG, guys! Explode? No no no. SELL! The world could really use some nuclear proliferation right now, and the money would go to a good cause (me).

    How many Biden bucks would Ukraine pay for a nuke?
    Hey, Taiwan! Want a bomb to keep China from invading?
    South Korea! Now it’s your turn to threaten Kim!

  12. The Australian Outback no intelligent life Siberia no intelligent life Texas no intelligent life.

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