Rant Of The Day

“You guys all voted for Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles. You all voted for Gavin Newsom, and now you fucking get what you get, now that your house is on fire.

“So here’s what’s going to happen. All these people who are deep blue Democrats are now going to have to pull a permit to rebuild, and they’re going to get the 28 year old bitch from the Coastal Commission telling them to go fuck off and then they’re going to vote for Trump or whoever’s Trumpian next. When they start getting the regulation, they’re going to go nuts. And when they start running into the bureaucracy and the red tape, they’re going to start going nuts and they’re going to vote for Rick Caruso next time. They’re going to find out they’re going to get bit by their own snake. They’re going to convert.

“I am telling you, these are the bluest people on the planet and they’re going to be fucking rip shit pissed when the City and the Coastal Commission tell them to fuck off. We’re going to have to restructure the whole thing because we can’t have nine angry lesbians controlling everything that goes on in Malibu, the Palisades and Santa Monica.” — Adam Corolla

He had me at “nine angry lesbians”.

A Ban To Get Behind

Generally speaking, I tend to be somewhat of a libertarian when it comes to banning stuff, because it either doesn’t work or else has the opposite effect to the stated goal by creating a “forbidden fruit” cachet around the thing.

However, when it comes to banning the chilluns from using their cell phones at school, I’m all over the idea, and here’s one reason why:

One of the first UK schools to ban mobile phones has revealed their pupils are now more sociable and involved in activities than ever before.  12 years ago Burnage Academy for Boys, in Greater Manchester, banned phones — with associate assistant head teacher Greg Morrison now saying that ban’s made a “big impact” in the school.

Phones are not allowed among pupils at any point — including break times — until the end of the school day.

Last year it was named UK Secondary School of the Year at the 2024 TES Schools Awards in London, with judges praising it as an “inspiring and inclusive school where students thrive, love learning and achieve exceptionally well.”

Well well well, who could have predicted this outcome?

“Only anyone with a brain and common sense, Kim.”

Oh, Stop It

Via Insty:

The old saying goes:  “Nothing concentrates the mind like the threat of imminent execution.”

Well from Poland’s point of view, nothing would concentrate the mind like a belligerent Russia on its border.  Hence the preparation of the youth for just such a scenario.

And before anyone of the hoplophobic persuasion starts wailing about “militarizing the youth” or some such twaddle, let it be known that one of the best preventative measures against predatory invasion is knowing that the intended victim is filled with a motivated — and armed — population, ready to flay the skin off the invaders.

Japanese Admiral Yamamoto’s warning to Imperial Japan about America being a nation with “a rifle behind every blade of grass” seems appropriate here, as is a reminder of a universally-armed and never-invaded Switzerland.

And the video that accompanies the above tweet is especially tasty.

I’ve just added Poland to my bucket list of places I want to visit.


It gives me great pleasure to announce to y’all that New Wife has finally jumped through the last citizenship hoop, and is now our newest U.S. citizen.

(The actual swearing-in is in two weeks’ time, but that’s just the formality.)

We arrived at USCIS promptly as ordered at 2pm, and she was interviewed promptly at 3.45pm (#Gummint).  The interview — after all the shit we’ve had thrown at us over the past THREE YEARS — was more or less a formality:  she passed her citizenship quiz with flying colors, and considering that she speaks English rather better than I do, the token literacy test was likewise a breeze.

She celebrated by falling asleep on the couch within about 30 seconds after dinner.  (Being a worrier, no amount of reassurance from me could assuage her terror at the prospect of being kicked out of the country because #RandomGummintBastardy, so the post-interview stress dump took her out.)

But that’s all in the past, now:  as soon as she gets her passport I’m going to take her somewhere where she can toss it at Passport Control with a merry laugh as she returns to her new home country.