No Ice Floes In The NHS

…which is probably a Good Thing, or else the oh-so compassionate NHS (Australia version) would have pushed this granny off on one long ago.  Simple details are as follows:

Ms Manley was informed on May 12 that her application for an aged parent visa was rejected because she does not fit the criteria due to her poor health.
The health criteria state that an applicant must be free from disease and must be free of any condition which would cost the health sector more than $40,000 (£22,000) in total.
Ms Manley’s full-time care would cost about $145,000 (£80,000) for the next three years.

In case anyone’s interested, this is known as “rationed care”, something the supporters of nationalized health care always deny will happen, but which always does.

Read the whole story for the full rage to take effect.


  1. If she has insurance or the financial where with all to pay her own expenses then the gov’t needs to GTF out of her business.

    If she does not have insurance or the where with all then her relatives need to step in and do whatever it takes to care for their relative.

    No one gets to demand that other people pay for them.
    Rationing? Perhaps.
    But the presumed “need” came first, and that is wrong.

    In 1960 both my grandfather, aged 60, dropped dead in the same month, at work (one at a machine in a silk mill, the other on a tractor in the middle of a corn field), from heart attacks. People worked til they died. Neither of them knew there was anything wrong and had no idea they were on the brink of dying.

    Now, both of those guys would have been warned by the medical industry that they need to be scoped out continuously, given multiple prescription drugs that zombyize them so that they were unable to work and imprisoned on the front porch, and basically kept alive and monitored for medical purposes at huge expense to others.

    Which method is better?
    The only way I can answer that is, that if I have a choice, I will die drug free at my work. But I suspect my choice won’t be that easy.

  2. One does wonder why grandma spent 11 years in Australia to live with her family and apparently didn’t bother trying for citizenship.

  3. I’m really not understanding the outrage here. She is not an Australian citizen therefore not covered under their social care program. She is being deported back here to the UK where she will receive the care she needs under our NHS. One of her children or grandchildren could easily join her over here.

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