Rant Of The Day

“You guys all voted for Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles. You all voted for Gavin Newsom, and now you fucking get what you get, now that your house is on fire.

“So here’s what’s going to happen. All these people who are deep blue Democrats are now going to have to pull a permit to rebuild, and they’re going to get the 28 year old bitch from the Coastal Commission telling them to go fuck off and then they’re going to vote for Trump or whoever’s Trumpian next. When they start getting the regulation, they’re going to go nuts. And when they start running into the bureaucracy and the red tape, they’re going to start going nuts and they’re going to vote for Rick Caruso next time. They’re going to find out they’re going to get bit by their own snake. They’re going to convert.

“I am telling you, these are the bluest people on the planet and they’re going to be fucking rip shit pissed when the City and the Coastal Commission tell them to fuck off. We’re going to have to restructure the whole thing because we can’t have nine angry lesbians controlling everything that goes on in Malibu, the Palisades and Santa Monica.” — Adam Corolla

He had me at “nine angry lesbians”.


  1. Adam Corolla has a collection of ex Paul Neuman Datsun race cars. … or maybe I should say ‘had’ a collection. He also ran a business that stored high end cars in a big fireproof garage on large racks that held somewhere north of 70 cars. Maybe fire resistant is a better description. The problem with fire sprinkler systems is that they are designed to put out a fire inside the building, not a firestorm outside the building. They also are dependent on city water supply being available unless they also have a supplemental source such as a large tank of water on an upper floor of a tall building used as a motion damping system in 30 + floor buildings.
    Wait until he learns that the city still wants their property taxes paid next quarter on his steaming pile of rubble. Tax bills usually have two parts – one amount for the structure and a separate amount for the land that is still there.

    1. “Wait until he learns that the city still wants their property taxes paid next quarter on his steaming pile of rubble.”

      Not just next quarter. In perpetuity. Including the value of the pile of ashes that used to be a home.

      Anyone that believes that Climate Change / Global warming caused this or that Climate change is man made / caused probably also believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and these “believers” need serious mental health counseling and heavy doses of medication.

      # Fuck the liberals
      # Taxation is theft

      1. Dunno about the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, but I know in some states in the midwest, IF your home is destroyed by a tornado, you’re also on the hook to clean up the rubble. Tornado insurance usually covers this, but if you only have the regular kind, its out of pocket.

        So NOT ONLY do they get to pay property taxes in perpetuity, they may also have to pay for the privilege to clean up the rubble.

        Damn Climate Change (registered trademark).

        Fighting to keep my Schadenboner under control.

      2. ‘ In perpetuity’
        Another one of those minor items that tend to make people shrug their shoulders in apathy or turn engine red before they boil over.
        You CANNOT actually own, FREE and CLEAR, your home and/or land in this country !!! Period.
        You ‘rent it’ from the government FOREVER !!!!!

  2. I doubt the deepest of Blue meatheads is bright enough to learn even after trying to go through the building process to rebuild their mansions.

    Corolla has far has far more faith in them than I do

  3. This raging inferno wildfire is all the fault of climate change deniers like George W Bush and Donald Trump. If everyone had just purchased an electric car and put solar panels on their roofs like your friends the Democrats told you to we could have saved this state from the hellfire that now engulfs it. – I’m Gavin NewSCUM, Governor and I approve this message.

    1. Gavin, before I leave office I’ll send some federal aid your way. You can have the crumbs leftover after I sign the latest billion dollar plus check for the Ukraine. While the wildfires are a threat, Vlad is a bigger problem. Cmon man, you know the thing. – President Biden

      1. Hey Pres Biden and Gov NewSCUM,

        I heard Kamala might be looking for work after her loss this past November. Did her house survive this raging inferno? If so, I have some work for her. Let me know any sporting goods stores that didn’t burn to a crisp, I need to get some knee pads for her before she does this job again… Willie Brown

        1. Willie, If this is the job I’m thinking of; going downtown with Little Willie Brown, please consider that finally after years of mouthwash I finally don’t taste your balls any longer when I kiss my sweetie. If Kamala does do this job I’ll have to consider going back with the babysitter. Shalom. – Douglas Emhoff

          1. Dougie, I feel your pain. I’d go downtown with either Kamala or the Babysitter. Let me know which one you don’t end up with. – President Clinton

          2. Dear residents / SUBJECTS of the People’s Republic of COMMIEFornia,

            LA is a diverse city, with tolerance for all, just as long as you only believe in and agree with liberalism for all.

            Dissidents will be shamed and hard working taxpayers will pay for those who can’t, don’t want to or are unable to work.

            Now that the State of California is a burning hellfire with rubble left in the path of fires, remember I used to be married to JESUS. PRAY and maybe we can come through this.

            It is so much easier to throw rocks than to put out fires.

            Karen Bass, Mayor of Los Angeles, People’s Republic of COMMIEfornia.

  4. One of two things –

    Just like Bill Maher, who will occasionally spout something that sounds like logic and reason and then go right back to liberal land, so too these deep blue Dems will bitch and complain and still vote D without fail. There won’t be any conversions, sorry.

    Or two -they vote in a R or two and keep them in office just long enough to restore some semblance of competence and functionality. And then two election cycles later, when things are kinda working again, they’ll go right back to voting in the worst D’s they can find.

    Don’t expect any miracles or deep blue states turning red. The bastards are dug in like ticks.

  5. I don’t think Adam Corolla’s prediction is going to pan out completely. Some of the wealthy very blue whose homes are ashes will try and fight the system they enabled, lose, give up, and move out of California, but within (private jet) commuting ditance. Others, who are so blue they make Blue Man Group look Easter egg pale, will just shrug, plod through the red tape (Rename it blue tape??), and keep voting Dem. It’s Califonia, Jake.

  6. I hate to sound cruel, but I have no sympathy for the fire victims. They elected the Green Weenies who drained reservoirs, saved snail darters, blew up four dams and didn’t replace them, won’t allow brush (tinder & kindling) clearance, and emptied Palisades’ fire protection reservoir for a year and still didn’t repair it, or else were Republican and still didn’t move in the face of decades of Green Weenyness. They have massive cognitive dissonance, and the whole thing is a needless tragedy.

  7. 1941: Born, Doctor’s Hospital, Los Angeles.
    2018: Sold everything and departed CA – Never to return, except as a bag of ashes to be spread at sea.

  8. ‘”Wait until he learns that the city still wants their property taxes paid next quarter on his steaming pile of rubble.”

    Not just next quarter. In perpetuity. Including the value of the pile of ashes that used to be a home.’
    It’s even worse than you think. The assessed value of the property is, in the end, based on its market value. Which *was* due to the fact that you could build a nice house in a REALLY nice location. But NOW you will not be able to build that house, on that location.
    Because of nine angry lesbians…..
    I have read, recently, of two different couples who have been screwed over by the CCC.
    In one case, they waited years (iirc, it was twelve years 12!), to get a permit to… bulldoze the remnants of the house which had burned down. (Remember that, you blue Californicated peons, it *will* be the test). IIRC, the house was on the seaward side of the PCH and the CCC does not want houses there, to ‘obstruct the view’ or whatever. No word on when/if they (ever) got an actual building permit.
    In the other case, after myriad objections and whining, and myriad changes to the proposed building, a builder received a building permit 12 years after making application. Apparently the property is on a steep slope on a hill above the PCH just west of Sunset, and a major whine, was that the building would destabilize the slope “causing” a landslide.
    In each case, the value of the property *if you are not allowed to build on it*, is probably nearly nil. Value with permit to build a 4000 sq.ft. house at say $300/sq.ft building cost overall, probably well over $4M.
    I wonder if there is ANY process in place to provide for a reduction in property tax upon the loss of a building due to fire??

    1. “I wonder if there is ANY process in place to provide for a reduction in property tax”

      That’s so adorable.

  9. Only problem is, the newly homeless libs may run into the permit hell, decide its too much and leave LA and come pollute one of our decent states with their liberal selves.

    1. This.
      This is my fear.
      I’ve watched my home state of Florida go from a reasonably inexpensive place to live, to New York expensive in half a decade due to the locusts moving here after destroying their home states.

      Just as I object to military age male “refugees” coming to this country and argue that they need to stay home and fight against whatever is ruining their homeland, Blue State refugees need to do the same, otherwise the cancer will grow and spread.

      1. The liberals cock suckers are infesting and polluting New Hampshire and Maine as well, and have been for the last 20 years. NH and Maine are the last bastions of freedom in New England and they are purple now and slowing turning blue. The libtards flee the mess they made and go to a freedom loving state and vote to butt fuck the freedom. Stupidity.

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