I Wish I’d Said That

From Steve Kruiser:

People Who Blame All Natural Disasters on Climate Change Should Be Clubbed Like Baby Seals

Not that I have any desire to club baby seals — my own prescription would be to tie them to a chair and beat them with chains — and as Kruiser himself says, “By the way, the headline about clubbing baby seals… was a joke. I hated seal-clubbing the one time I did it.”

But whether being clubbed or beaten with chains, these eco-loons deserve it.


  1. by sitting these imbeciles in a chair, you lose all that surface area on their backs on which said chains could be applied. Hang them by their wrists so that even a rest period from their re-education is painful on the shoulder joints.

  2. I’m hiring an attorney to file a lawsuit against my fork for making me fat.

    My car also made me waste time driving around to stores to spend money. I’m also considering a lawsuit against auto manufacturers.

    Does my ass make these pants look small?

    Finally – did dinosaurs cause their extinction by driving around big SUV’s and Trucks which ruined the environment and led to their extinction? I want to be in the room if anyone asks this at one of those liberal climate speeches / summits.


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