Ah Yes, Philosophers

It’s not often I’m left absolutely speechless with rage and fury, but this is one of those times.  Why?  Oh, let’s just say the spirit of Dr. Josef Mengele is alive and well, and living in… Norway.

Should brain dead women be used as surrogates?  That’s the outrageously controversial concept floated by one philosopher.

The move — which the Norwegian writer herself admits is ‘undoubtedly disturbing’ — would help ‘prospective parents who wish to have children but cannot’, such as gay and infertile couples.

At least The Matrix  (which was fiction) used artificial wombs to gestate babies.  If this foul bitch is to be believed, actual humans could be used as baby-incubators — of course without their consent because they’re brain-dead.

Here’s my problem with all of this.  Let’s be honest and say that this activity is not just “disturbing”, but so evil, so soulless and so inhuman that it’s unthinkable and unspeakable.

Well, guess what?  Someone has thought about it, and said it.  Which means that at some point it’s going to be discussed — in a purely scholarly manner and setting, of course — which means that at some point further on, this action will be just one step closer to reality.

I am not interested in the philosophy, nor of their right to speak, nor even to speak of uncomfortable topics.  This is not an “uncomfortable” topic, it is horrifying and diabolically evil.

One of the most ghastly discoveries made during the trial of Adolf Eichmann was not that he looked like the Devil, but that he looked like some ordinary bureaucratic functionary — which is exactly what he was.  To him, moving hundreds of thousands of people from several points A to final point B was just a logistical issue:  how many rail cars, how to schedule the deliveries, how many locomotives could the war effort spare, what was the capacity of the stations and switching points en route, and so on.

That this was a job of moving human beings to slaughterhouses was not even part of his mental equation, because he just couldn’t care:  that wasn’t his job.

Eichmann was hanged.  Now, about this Anna Smajdor…


  1. Smajdor clearly failed ethics. She should be drummed out of academia and denied any position of responsibility. Unfortunately the environment in today’s academia, she’ll probably be given tenure or fast tracked to department head.


  2. Couple who can’t have babies and the first ideas are Gay Couple and Trans Couples. Fuck them all. Time to start stacking bodies.

  3. This is the sort of thing which is only justified if the alternative is extinction. Plenty of women out there willing to act as paid surrogates, and we’re not (yet) on the edge of Darwin’s Abyss, so there’s no justification at all for such an approach.

    Just Leftists pushing the boundaries as they try to devalue human life as much as possible.

  4. There are already a huge number of brain-dead women giving birth. They’re called Democrats.

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