News Roundup

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…and boy, the news is extra shitty today.


yeah, so remind me why I should get vaccinated again?  Hint:  never, and fuck off.

I think we should extend that policy to the un-imprisoned pedophiles as well.  Try to convince me I’m wrong.

oooh, the Fibbies must be getting fwightened

probably a good idea, come to think of it.  Not that I’m wishing any kind of physical violence against our beloved federal police force, oh no, not me.

and the next time some terrified homeowner shoots a fed agent by mistake, of course he’ll be the bad guy.

but hanging and the firing squad are too Krool & Hartless Whatever:

when Captain Slow has a wreck, there’s not much hope for the rest of us.  On the other hand, most of us don’t play silly-bugger games in tunnels.

am I the only one who had a sudden 1941 flashback?

And in (link-free) INSIGNIFICA:

and if her parents aren’t very proud of her, Child Welfare should be called in.

Finally:  I’m sick of the news.  So instead, here are some Ferraris, suitably accessorized:

So much for the news.


  1. The absolute, most dangerous creature on the planet, the Italian natural blonde (well, maybe second to the Irish natural red).

  2. The accessories with the Ferraris look like they need some bowls of pasta with each meal for a couple months. And by bowl I mean the serving bowl.


    1. With the exception of the lass accessorizing the F40, who might be matching that number in her superstructure (checking will be required).

  3. Pfizer: I wonder how many times you’ve been had and I wonder how many plans have gone bad.

    Ferrari: Baby you can drive my car, and maybe I’ll love you.

  4. Why do the two high end, expensive, supercharged ferraris have an odd VW beetle variant with some horsey insignia between them?

    If I wanted and could afford a depreciating asset, I’d take the ferrari in the leopard outfit – she looks mean, I like that.

  5. So, Pedophiles are the most vilified of prisoners. As the Russian Marines allegedly say (per Leon Uris), “Toughski Shitski”.

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