1. Noting that the officer pictured is Polizei….

    “It was then that the idiot tourist learnt the true meaning of the phrase ‘police brutality’.”

  2. At the annual re-union of CrisisActors Local 135, an impromptu ‘riot’ was just one of the fun festivities planned by the shop-stewards… followed by the usual buffet luncheon!

  3. On his way to clash with police over the evil of global mega corporations, Chas realized he left his iPhone in the car so he wouldn’t be able to post on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

  4. The protest, led by the senior contingent of the March of Dimes was not only not successful, it received zero TV coverage.

  5. I can assure you that, if you don’t piss me off, no one will get hurt.

    Glad I missed this get-together.

    I would like to know the context and constituency of this melee.

    1. Context?

      I believe this was prior to the luncheon buffet, and it had something to do with the caterers bringing fruity Jello© ‘salad’ like old-folks eat instead of that yellow pudding but it doesn’t taste yellow.

  6. Looks like a batch of italian soi bois just kicked out of mammas kitchen.

    Cops don’t appear much impressed.

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