Probably Not

I’m sure that there are many people who would jump at the chance to own “the world’s most powerful handgun:

…I’m just not one of them.  Especially at $1.75 every time I squeeze the trigger.

Frankly, for that much money, I’d rather have two Ruger Super Blackhawks, in the more-manageable .44 Rem  Mag:


That falls under “not under-gunned” in the dictionary.

Tangential thought:  as any fule kno, I’m in favor of guns, whatever their caliber, action, or any of that.  And of course, I’m not a fan of the “Who really needs a gun like this?” question, as “Because it’s there” is good enough for me and should be good enough for anyone.

That said:  I just can’t get my head around the extra-large-caliber handguns like the above, or the Freedom Arms in .475 Linebaugh:

…or the Magnum Research BFR in .45-70 Govt, to give but two further examples.

I mean, they’re great as oddities or conversation pieces;  but I just can’t see myself ever carrying one out to hunt with.  Can anyone ‘splain to me why this should replace a rifle out in the field?

Maybe it’s just because I can’t see why anyone would want to go hunting with a handgun when there’s a perfectly good rifle for the job, e.g. a Marlin Guide Gun (which I want, very badly btw):…but I’m willing to learn.  Feel free to enlighten me.

5 Worst Headlines Never Seen Before Now

…a.k.a.  “Apocalypse Soon”, and ranked towards the ultimate in creepy awfulness:

  • 60-year-old man comes out as gay, declares his love for daughter’s ex-husband;
  • Influencer, 35, marries her 20-year-old stepson after divorcing his father;
  • “My son cut me off completely after I had amazing sex with his teenage pal”;
  • Woman files for divorce after marrying herself two years earlier;  and
  • Wife cuts off unfaithful husband’s penis, feeds it to dog.

Now, to add to the unspeakable dreadfulness that is Our Brave New World:  only one of the above is fictitious.

Your guess in Comments as to which.  Only one per Reader.

By The Numbers

It occurred to me yesterday that some wokester / Pantifa type (you all know the people I mean) might take issue with my statement in Comments, following my use of the dreaded Word That Shall Not Be Spoken (nigger):

I’m more African AND more American than most people of the Pantifa/BLM persuasion…

To use the revolting modern expression:  let’s “unpack” that sentence.

  1. I was born in Africa and lived there for thirty years.
  2. My family has lived in southern Africa since before 1690, a little longer than many of the so-called “Bantu” tribes, who only made their way south from central Africa in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
  3. I speak one African language (would be more, but my Zulu and Sotho… oy).
  4. I’ve lived in America for thirty-four years, and been a U.S. citizen for thirty.

Any way you slice it, I’m far more African than the average native-born Black person, and I’m more American than any recent African immigrant (e.g. Somali, Nigerian, etc.) by virtue of a.) my citizenship and b.) my length of domicile in the U.S.

“Aha!” a wokester may say triumphantly, “but you’re not Black!

So it’s all about skin color?  Well… now who’s the racist?

[exit, singing Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika]

Same Advice, Different Situation

I see that the Pantifa / Black oLives Matter crowd have taken to invading restaurants now:

Chanting “silence is violence,” the protesters demanded that people they encountered in the street, as well as the patrons of various restaurants, raise their hands to indicate solidarity with the goals of BLM.

My natural inclination to this kind of neo-Nazi thuggery and intimidation, of course, would be to raise my fist in solidarity, thus: 

…but that would probably be unwise.  Let me therefore remind everyone that the proper initial response to this nonsense is to insert earplugs in the proper manner:  This should be done for two reasons:  firstly, it will help drown out the silly chanting of this little shits.

I shouldn’t have to tell y’all the second reason, which might be necessary after you’ve put in the earplugs and then raised your (left*) fist in the manner above, and the Pantifastas take umbrage and attempt to do violence to you because they were “provoked”.  (Personally, I might be provoked to violence just by having some pasty-faced little middle-class weenie screaming in my face, but no doubt somebody’s going to have a problem with this.)

Anyway, this public service announcement comes on the heels of the first one.  Always have earplugs handy, folks.

*right hand, if you’re left-handed.

Nobody There

I see that the Stupid Party did well the other night:

C-SPAN’s live stream of night one of the Republican National Convention (RNC) garnered nearly 440,000 views, a major increase over the start of the Democratic National Convention that drew 76,000 views.

That’s because most voting supporters of the Democratic Socialist Party were either out looting, or still in the cemeteries.