1. Well, son-of-a-bitch, I was going to glance at the neat color of NYC in the mid-30s and I ended up enjoying the music and watching it until the end. Over the years I was in New York City about a dozen times and I could recognize a lot of the scenes. The lights of Broadway were something else and the clothing with men in hats wearing ties and women looking fine with some nice furs here and there show a different picture of the 1930’s than what we usually see.

    It was neat seeing George Burns on the marquee because I saw him do a stand up routine in the early 1980’s and he was still working hard and funny. Thank You Kim.

    1. Why did you post this awful comment? New York was a lovely place then. You weren’t alive to see it as it was. My father was. He told me what it was like. You make the stupid assumption that New York was the same back then as it is now.

      It doesn’t sound like you’re sorry. What place would you consider nice? Or do you just enjoy dropping dirt into a comment section. Of course you might be so pathetic that no one pays you any attention at any other time. Your comment wasn’t funny either. New York doesn’t suck you do!

      1. I, for one, would consider a place nice where I couldn’t see neighbors from my house.

  2. I looked for Lamont Cranston and Margo Lane but my mind would have been clouded by the Shadow even if they had been in the pictures. The views of the ocean liners were great – what an elegant way to travel.

  3. I enjoyed the music. Interesting that, unlike today, there was not a single waddling human pachyderm in the entire film.

  4. The person that posted this stated that the original was shot on Kodak film. At that time it would have been Kodachrome which, if stored properly, has an almost infinite lifetime. Which makes me wonder how much of modern history will be lost because now it’s all digital with no hard copies existing.

    I’ve already heard of data being lost because the hardware to read the storage medium was scrapped when newer systems came out or the medium deteriorated because it was never designed to last for extended periods of time.

    Even back in the day of analog audio and video recording much was lost because it wasn’t considered important. But films like this survived because it was shoved in a box in someones attic for 80 years.
    Will a memory card still have usable information on it after 80+ years, and if the data isn’t corrupted will the hardware and software to read it still exist?

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