Screw The Ignorant Vote

It always pains me when people encourage others to vote “even when they aren’t familiar with the issues”.  Here’s my take on that opinion:

Ummm no.  If you don’t know why you’re voting and what you’re voting for, then stay the fuck at home.  Some ignoramus showing up at the polling booth and voting for the first name on the ballot, or voting for the woman just because “it’s her turn”, or voting for the person who looked good on the campaign poster outside the polling station — any or all of these maggots’ votes are negating the votes of people who actually took the time to study the candidates, evaluate their positions, foresee the likely consequences of the policies they support, and in short, who know what the hell the election is all about.

It is no surprise that it’s largely the Democrats who send buses around poorer areas to “help the underprivileged to vote”, when in fact it’s precisely these people who are pig-ignorant and most likely to be swayed by empty promises, free stuff and unaffordable giveaways (i.e. most positions on the Democrat party platform).

So if you don’t know what’s going on at these mid-term elections, stay at home and watch soap operas or Real Housewives Of Cook County, and leave the voting to people who can be entrusted to make decisions.

Don’t Vote If You’re Ignorant.

And by the way, I also don’t subscribe to the line that if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain about what happens afterwards.  In the first place, your vote may mean diddly — e.g. mine when I lived in Chicago, and my “representative” Jan “Commie Bitch” Schakowski would get reelected year after year with about 70% of the vote.  My not voting did not disqualify me from complaining afterwards, as my several emails to her office would attest.  (I know, beginning them with “Dear Commie Bitch” may have been counterproductive, but that salutation in and of itself at least may have given her office a clue that not all of her constituents kept a well-thumbed copy of Das Kapital  next to the bed.)  In the second place, the First Amendment guarantees your right to complain no matter what happened before.  But far be it for me to use a mere Constitutional precept to buttress my case.


  1. Agreed, especially about Chicago. Still here and hating it. As soon as the kids are out of school and I can afford to leave, I will because the taxes are murder. The unfunded pension liability is around $245 billion USD. Looks like the next governor will be no neck JB Pritzker. He will send Illinois off the cliff soon, so I’m pretty much hosed.

    1. Why do you send your kids to school there?

      One of the reasons we left the Peoples Republic of California (one of many reasons) was the leftist indoctrination in the schools.

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