1. Also missing –
    Return to work in the office – Although that reminds me of the saying “Be grateful you don’t get all the Government we pay for”.
    End of the ” Anchor Babies”
    – I haven’t seen the wording of the order but I am assuming that it actually does not attempt to reverse the 14th amendment, instead it says just because your 2 day old child is a citizen that does not mean the parents ahd all the siblings can stay here as well if they entered illegally. No doubt it’s being misrepresented by the Media.

    My favorite part is that there are so many orders that the media can’t decide which ones to focus on. Plus the way DJT tossed the signing to the crowd instead of handing them out to favored flunkies as is the normal custom.

    1. The EO means that the two day old child isn’t a citizen unless one of the parents was a US Citizen/LPR at the time of the child’s birth; those here illegally or on tourist visas don’t get birthright citizenship for their children.
      No more anchor babies.

      1. But the 14th amendment section 1 says the child is a citizen. It’s the POLICY that says the parents can stay to care for the child. That’s the part that the President as the head of the Executive branch ( Immigration and Naturalization ) has control over and can change with an EO. The Parents are free to take the child with them or not , but they will be deported. The child can stay , it’s a citizen. The logistics of how he stays are not the government’s responsibility.

        1. Actually this EO lays out the case that the 14th amendment does not confer citizenship to anchor babies and instructs the appropriate agencies to not give them documents making them that. The supremes will ultimately adjudicate if the dare. Anchor babies who already got their papers are not effected

  2. “ Also missing –
    Return to work in the office – Although that reminds me of the saying “Be grateful you don’t get all the Government we pay for”.”

    GT3Ted has this right.

    I work for state government and I am not in the club. I have to work onsite in person 5 days a week. my boss and most of the management are full of nepotism and treat the people who show up to work like dirt

    Tons of people allegedly work from home 2 to 3 days a week and it is hard to reach those people when you need something from them when they are remote. Management pays most of them more and many of their buddies have been hired into these deals.

    While I know trump can’t order state workers in states back to work – he can and should cut federal funding big time to stop the waste fraud and abuse that is rampant in both state and federal jobs.

    Most all of the exec orders signed are great especially the emergency at the border. I hope mass deportations of illegals start soon.

    I can’t wait for Doge to ramp up too. While states have their own stolen tax money for running bullshit systems, lots of federal funding comes too. Without federal funding to help cuts will have to happen

    In the town I live in , property taxes are up 20 percent in the last 4 years. Half of the city budget is teacher salaries and the city built a new school. The birthrate is down in this country for a long Time so there are less kids. Why a new school? And teachers are the most overpaid and underworked group of scumbags ever on the whole. Hardworking people work all year so that these teacher scumbags never have to work nights or weekends and they get summers off.

    Big huge massive budget cuts are needed and I hope Elon and Vivek take the Doge chainsaws and slide the budget big time.

    # Deport illegals
    # Cut Taxes
    # slice woke school budgets and cut teacher jobs and salaries

  3. What a sad fucking commentary the 2 genders EO had to even be contemplated.

    I hope Trump has learned from his prior mistakes, and is planning to enshrine these directives legislatively. If not, it’ll all be erased by rapid strokes of the same pen by the next Dem who gets in. Just like Brandon did 4 years ago. With the exception of the judiciary, there is nothing Trump did during his 1st term that survived Brandon’s 1st day.

  4. Leaving the WHO is “common sense” as Trump mentioned the words “common sense” in his speech.

    We now know that Covid is a form of a flu like virus. Covid typically kills those with other health issues. That sucks and I hope it doesn’t kill many but those that Covid killed would have been taken by the flu or something else.

    That being said Fauci (and others) were pardoned last minute by Joe Biden. Why?

    During the SCAMdemic we were told there is a deadly virus and you must wear your mask. Most small businesses will be forced to close by big box retailers can be open.

    So screw (pun intended) your local hardware store, close them down but risk your life for a box of screws at a big box store.

    Fuck masks. Fuck DOC FAUX CHEE

    I’ll never forget 2020. The stolen election. Massachusetts mask mandate. Fuck that shit. I voted no mask. No one said anything about no mask. I was handed a ballot and voted no issue.
    All the clowns in there with masks. Fucking idiots more worried about wearing a mask than ensuring a fair election.

  5. I’m with you, Kim. Including the omission of leaving the Paris climate accords & never minding Ohio State.
    I’ll go to the White House’s site and see, but does anyone know where the Day One Executive Orders were published? I’d like to get a look at all of them.

  6. They are on the White House website by the titles of the EO’s, So you have to click on each one and read it.

  7. I voted for Trump in 2016 because I thought I was being given a choice between a clown and a scold. A singularly annoying and probably corrupt scold. I didn’t have much hope for Trump. I was wrong. I have voted for him twice since, with a high heart.

    I don’t agree with every single jot and tittle of his policies. I don’t expect to. I DIS-agreed with pretty much everything Shrillary stood for, and the few things Biden may have done right (nothing springs to mind) I’m pretty sure he did the wrong was, or for the wrong reasons, or both.

    So, yeah, pretty damn good start.

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