1. Imagine a world where at least half of the people in the country are packing a personal heater, a would be scumbag criminal would have a 50 / 50 chance of being ventilated should they decide to try and spread their venom. This would stop a lot of bullshit and save the taxpayers a lot of money in having to house these shit bags for 3 hots and a cot.

  2. Kim,
    Amen to this post and to the outspoken lady you’ve introduced to your pages. I’ve borrowed the mantra of “Jews with ARs don’t get onto cattle cars” … in other words, I’m armed and I keep practiced with my perishable skills. I have also started (where possible) avoiding places/venues which do not allow for me to be armed, e.g. Ravinia. My fellow Northshore (Highland Park, Deerfield, Glencoe, etc.) Jews could take a lesson or 613.

    – Brad

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