Okay, you would truly have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this one:
A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.
The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.
It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.
But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.
Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24.
Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is ‘continuing to increase’ and has swelled to around 300 people.
Who could have seen this coming? Raise your hands…
Oh… everyone, huh? [exit, howling with laughter]
Bwaaa Haaa Haaa!
And even if the gendarmes throw the squatters out tomorrow, it will take another five weeks or so and beaucoup argent to repair the damage and remove the stink. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the squatters don’t know how or prefer not to use flush toilets.
Someone once wrote an essay about letting Africa sink.
God made Africa for the Africans, we in the west made a huge mistake of having anything to do with it.
[Insert schadenboner meme here]
Throw in a thousand bottles of cheap wine and one meat cleaver.
If you allow your country to be invaded by foreigners, don’t be surprised when they impose their laws on you.
Speaking of flush toilets – one of my colleagues went to Egypt to service some machinery in a factory there. Their toilets were the two footpads/hole in the floor type, and the factory management, realizing my friend would not be accustomed to that style of toilet, ordered a seat and tank type flush toilet for him.
The locals stood on the bowl rim and crapped in the tank until it was full, whereupon they threw the thing out, and he never got to use it.
Ignore the lectures and presentations by those from the ivory towers and instead learn from the actions undertaken by France’s new denizens. Hopefully the rest of the population learns to ignore the eggheads in academia etc.
Sounds like a great opportunity to bolt the doors shut. Let them out in an orderly fashion, process then deport them all as they emerge looking for food. Sure the theater might be wrecked but that would be a small price to pay to export these uncivilized cretins.