Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies

Thanks are owed to Jack Hellner at American Thinker  for taking the time to do what I’ve been too lazy to do:  cataloguing all the climate lies of the past fifty or so years.

I’m reminded of Hitchens’s Razor, that statements presented without evidence can equally be dismissed without evidence.  Trouble is that the Climate Charlatans have repeatedly presented evidence, except that the data themselves have been not only fallacious but outright lies, fabrications and distortions.

So… when can we begin the mass hangings and firing squads?


  1. On the news over the weekend from a local CBS affiliate was a story (not sure where the study was done, University of Arizona, I think,) that says, “planet breathing” from insects and microbes in the soil is a major source of carbon dioxide contributing to “climate change.” Not cars. Not petroleum. Not cow farts. Bugs and germs.

    And people wonder why I drink.

  2. Climate change and Social Justice, is to the West what Islam was to the Eastern Roman Empire. A poorly thought out, hyper-aggressive, death cult, that isn’t satisfied with simply being right for its own sake, but must conquer all in its path to FORCE its will on everyone.

    Sadly Islam is still with us, hopefully this bullshit has shorter legs. I doubt it though because its the first formal State religion we’ve had, at least in the U.S.

    1. you’re absolutely right about Global Warming and Social Justice being cancers on society.

      The environmental movement started off being sane and rational with the stop littering, dispose of waste products responsibly and such. The problem is that they were infiltrated by the folks who are absolutely crackers or are closet socialists or both.


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