1. That be a mighty fine buffalo gal right there, that’s what Prew would say. (it’ll come to ya)

  2. She is the most attractive woman of that, or any, era. There was something simultaneously sexy and yet worthy to have in your home about her. I have no idea what her personal life was like, but that’s the image she portrays for me.

  3. She was the most attractive woman of that, or any, era. There was something simultaneously sexy and yet worthy-to-have-in-your-home about her. I have no idea what her personal life was like, but that’s the image she evokes for me.

  4. I read once that after she went to Television with the Donna Reed Show, she made sure she was dressed up. When someone objected to her dressing so formally, she is reported to have said, “I’m coming into people’s homes, and I owe it to them to dress well. I am their guest.

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