News Roundup – International

This, our first-ever All-International Roundup, is sponsored by:

Pure class, them Strylians, huh?  Try this:

...nice to know that the WAGov has taken care of all the region’s other problems.

...proof that 2022 Russia isn’t the same as 1941 Russia.  And:

...a.k.a. “pre-surrender”.

...I dunno;  you oppress a nation for nearly fifty years, and this is how they repay you?

...LOL so: would you have no problem with people attacking homosexualists, OR prefer that the Swedes deport all Third-Worlders?

Or you could just do what the Krauts are going to do:

...thus making the problem of “Third-World immigrant violence” disappear, just like that.

showing that Brits can get it right on occasion.

And in election news:

...good ol’ Silvio:  still politicking, still bonking younger women.  The man’s a national treasure.

...not to be unkind, but there’s enough blubber there to keep TWO houses warm.

... and trust me, you do NOT want to go there… o-kay, but you’ve been warned.

And in guaranteed link-free INSIGNIFICA:



Finally, from Wales:

…ah yes, we haven’t been here for a while, so it’s time for a little more Carol:


…and some earlier-vintage Carol:

And that’s all the news from the international front [sic].


  1. German police stop reporting migration background. One wonders how big their feet are to keep shooting themselves there. Suffer baby suffer.

  2. So, Straylians are going to ban plastic disposable cups. There is a song, “The trouble with the world today is coffee in a cardboard cup.”
    I will sing it here.
    Just kidding; I won’t. I can’t even do a passable Rex Harrison.

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