1. Wow, revving the engine on my sports car really DOES work as advertized….advertised…..

    Mark D

  2. Finding herself short of cash, Wendy decides on another way to pay the tow truck driver.

  3. And if that doesn’t do the trick there’s still a can of Fix-a-Flat in there.

  4. Gee, I had no idea this was such a formal affair. Good thing I left these in here after last week’s date

  5. As is often the case while swapping wardrobes adjacent to a fine hedge, passersby noted the ‘roots’ in dire need of a touch-up!
    As is often the case while donning fresh foot-wear, a quick ‘swipe’ with a handy cloth can do wonders to maintain that cherished shine!
    As is often the case while ‘socially experimenting’, the lack of certain foundationals can bring a striking sense of freedom!

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