Sardines? Not Quite

OMG the Brits are SO lawless, flocking en masse  to beaches at the first warm day in ages and overcrowding the place:

Well, I guess it depends on your camera placement, doesn’t it?  Here’s the same beach:

Not really that crowded, is it?

Anyway, I don’t care.  I don’t do beaches because it’s hot and you get sand in your thingy.  Give me a decent bit of lawn any day:

Actually, I hate being in the sun, period, and as for sunbathing… don’t get me started.

I try to learn from the mistakes of others.  Besides, you never know what you’ll see in the sun (note the attribution, bottom left):

Ugh, no.  I prefer to avoid sunburn (and unfortunate sightings) in the traditional manner:

Indoors, pint, fish & chips, friends (note:  that’s The Englishman’s hand, no doubt poised to steal a chip from me).

That is heaven, not sweltering in the sun on some manky beach with sand in bad places.

No Big Deal

I see that we’re still not allowed to visit Canuckistan until June, but that’s okay.  Montreal is only worth visiting for the three weeks of summer in July anyway.

Here’s a recent pic of same:

I am going to be taking New Wife up there soon.  She’s never been to Canada, and I love Montreal — other than the fact that it’s in Canuckistan, I could live there quite easily.


If I may digress for a moment — and I believe I can — there are quite a few places in the world similar to Montreal, where I could easily live but for the fact that the countries in which they’re located are completely fucked up.

The first example is Wiltshire, England, home to Mr. Free Market, The Englishman and a couple of other Bad Influences:

Of course, there’s meine schönes Wien:

…and Paris — the Paris I knew back in the early 2000s, not the refugee-infested shithole it’s since become:

Ditto London:

All these places, and so many others, captivated me utterly when I was there and I remember thinking at the time, “I could live here.”

Then I’d come back home, and realize that I loved my freedom more.

And our TV is better.

Don’t get me started on guns…

…none of which I’d be allowed to own in any of the above European cities.

So Montreal can wait.


Generally speaking, not many state governors are that well known outside their own borders, for obvious reasons.  But the Chinkvirus mania has made some of them nationally (if not internationally) prominent — albeit for the wrong reasons.  The most famous, after NY’s Vito Corleone Cuomo and CA’s Vladimir Gavin Lenin Newsom, has been Michigan’s Irma Grese Gretchen Witless Witmer, the latter not being helped by the fact that she actually does look like a concentration camp guard.

Another rising star among the infamous is Portlandia Oregon governor Kate Brown, who while not as evil-looking as Witmer, still has that basilisk-apparatchik appearance first made famous by Hillary Bitch Clinton:

Why do all Marxist women end up looking like cheap copies of Rosa Luxemburg?  Even (to switch countries for a moment) New Zealand’s Prime Lesbian Minister Jacinda Ardern is, in addition to being a gun-controller, quite ghastly:

(What amazed me about the above is that with a name like Jacinda Ardern, I originally thought she was Black.  My bad.)

The only thing which can mitigate the appearance of these Marxist harpies is that occasionally they can have redeeming physical characteristics which can take one’s gaze from their face.  Case in point:  Gretchen Whitmer:

Even the Senior Troll Speaker of the House, ol’ Red Nancy herself, is similarly constructed (seen here with another gun controller):

Nevertheless, it can safely be said that no matter how attractive the superstructure of these Commies, nothing — and I mean nothing — should distract us from the utter foulness of their totalitarian philosophy.  I’m not saying, of course, that they should end up like their figurehead Rosa Luxemburg — shot dead and their bodies tossed into a canal — but the sooner they and their political leanings are discredited, marginalized and forgotten, the better for all of us.

Afterthought:  my apologies for all the strikeouts above.  Clearly, I need more coffee.

Stasi-Town, Texas

After the Berlin Wall came down and Germany was reunited, it was discovered that almost one third of the former East Germans and well over half of East Berliners were informants for the Stasi (secret police).

So I read this article with amusement:

Just when you thought the Coronavirus snitching outbreak couldn’t get any worse, the societal virus continues to spread. Austin Mayor Steve Adler decided to channel his inner Kim Jong Un on Monday when he announced an extension of the city’s shelter-in-place orders.
But it was the decision to urge Austinites to rat out their neighbors that raised eyebrows. As you might imagine, the Karens of the city took Adler’s exhortation to heart.
The mayor declared that the updated version of the order, which mandated the closure of non-essential businesses and the implementation of social distancing practices, would now require residents to wear face masks when they go out in public. The new order extends the restrictions to May 8.
According to the Mayor, the city will impose penalties against those caught in public without wearing the face coverings. These punishments could include fines of up to $1,000 and even jail time. Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhart, who was with the Mayor during the announcement, said: “There certainly will be enforcement if we do not see a community-wide embrace of social distancing and appropriate masking.” She added, “If we see really egregious violations that are threatening community health, we will certainly enforce.”
Mayor Adler then stated that they are hoping for Austinites to “self-police,” and affirmed that “these kinds of orders carry with them criminal penalties and the force of law.” At this point, he urged residents to report those who are not complying with the order. “If you see violations in the community, construction sites, restaurants, it’d be good to call 311 and let the city and the county know that that’s happening.”

Read the whole piece to see how bad it is.

Considering, in the words of our governor, that Austin is the blueberry in the bowl of tomato soup that is Texas, none of this should come as a surprise.  You see, it’s the voters who elect big-government Big Brother we-know-what’s-best-for-you Marxist assholes like Adler and Eckhart into office — so why should we be surprised when these same voters also feel that they know how best other people should conduct their lives?

I’m not much of a betting man, but I would wager a considerable sum of money that over 90% of the snitches are Democrat voters or if not, they’re definitely members of the hippie-Green-ultra-Marxist asswipes who infest Austin like so many vegan cockroaches.

I know the apparent paradox:  as a rule, Greens want most of the world’s population to die off;  they just don’t want to be part of that number because, you see, they deserve to live more than the gun-clinging bitter-fascist Bible-thumping Trumpalos do.

Marxists, fascists and Greens (some overlap) have no problem with people dying — as long as it’s the Others doing the perishing.  (And for the most extreme of them, they themselves would have no problems with causing the dying or holding the coats of those who do.)

Here’s another bet that nobody will take from me:  most of these Karens are women.  (Knowing Austin as I do:  the few male snitches will have gray ponytails and drive around in a Prius, old Mercedes or -Volvo with “Beto” or “Bernie” decals on the back fenders.)

I’ve often referred to Austin as “Moscow On The Colorado”, but of late I’m starting to think that I’m slandering the Muscovites.

Not Much

I see that all the Press are getting all bent out of shape about the God-Emperor taking hydroxychloroquine as a potential prophylactic (in English, as a preventative) for the Chinkvirus.  I don’t know why they’re getting all excited because if the shit did kill him, we’d be seeing a lockdown-style run on tissues at supermarkets because they’d be wanking themselves to a standstill.

But that’s not what I want to talk about, here.  I used to take hydroxychloroquine or something very much like it against malaria, back when I were a troopie in the Seffrican Army, way back when we’d just made the change from shooting Redcoats to shooting Zulus.   You nah waddeye mean.

Other than some really strange dreams — I mean the kind that you get when you’re sick with a fever, real acid-trip stuff — nothing happened to me, healthwise.  And I never did get malaria, even though there were times when my mosquito bites resembled smallpox sores.

So it’s highly unlikely that POTUS will get sick from the stuff — although if what happened to me happens to him, his tweets are going to be really fun for a while.

Which will piss the establishment media off even more, so it’s a win-win all round.