1. Our last move was 25 years ago. Should we have to undergo the ordeal again the plan is to load up the guns, computer hard drives, papers, and one set of tools – and let Vito “the Torch” Machete take care of the rest. I went to high school with him back in Jersey so I should be able to get a good price if the parole board has met lately.

  2. After our move from Kalifornia to DFW, I do not want to see another cardboard moving box. Ever.

    Our local Home Depot can be hit or miss for customer service. It is obvious that the management does not give a rip. I’ve learned who to search out for assistance. Mostly it’s the employee’s with grey hair, except for two females I refer to at the “witches”. One works lighting, the other works in paint. If no floor help can be found, my favorite tactic is to call the store. “Hi. I’m standing in your store. I need some help on aisle #–“.

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