Tapping The Ex

No man should.

And calling it “hate sex” doesn’t even come close to making it acceptable — rather, the reverse.

Of course, someone is going to suggest that if your ex happens to look like this, then it’s okay:

But I will remind everyone of the old saying:  “No matter how hot she is or how good she looks, there’s always at least one guy who’s sick of all her bullshit.”

Changing Times

I have often railed against the stupidity of Daylight Savings Time in the past, so you can imagine my amusement at this headline:

Britain could be banned from changing its clocks in autumn and spring after Brexit negotiators tie country to Brussels plan to end ‘daylight saving’

Note to the Brexiteers:  this is not a hill to die on.  In fact, abolition of this stupid institution is probably the only thing the EU has proposed in the past thirty years that I agree with.


Some fuckwit sent me one of these email messages the other day.  I don’t know what he/she expected me to do, but I ignored it.  Then I got a follow-up email, threatening me with still worse consequences if I didn’t pay up, whereupon I replied as follows (using an anonymized go-between server):

I don’t know what you expected to get from me, but instead of money, here’s my response:
Do what you want, then fuck off and die.  Preferably from some painful cancer.  Even better, I hope your entire family dies from the same illness.
P.S. What you referred to as my “password”, isn’t.  You’re not even competent enough to threaten me.

Sheesh.  They must think I’m vulnerable, or something.  I wish I could spend ten minutes with one of these people — just me and a Sawzall.

Flattery, Imitation Being Sincerest Form Of

Roger Simon, that eeeevil rayciss, thinks we should Let Central America Sink.

For as long as any of us can remember, those Central American nations have been failed states teetering on the brink of civil war (or over it) or awash in corruption and gangsterism, their peoples impoverished.
Foreign aid, of which they have had plenty, hasn’t helped.  After all this time, it is likely that in these instances the reverse has been true.  Foreign aid has hurt the development of these countries, creating a dependency that impeded progress.  It also — inadvertently, one hopes and assumes — encouraged conditions that allowed the corruption and drug dealing to flourish.

The best hope for Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and even Mexico is that they learn to fend for themselves.  In most of the cases, it could take a long time with considerable pain, but it is the only path that will succeed.  Further aid, with exceptions for emergencies, physical and medical, will only make matters worse.

Most of all, it will continue to support and deepen a dependency culture that is terrible psychologically for the recipients  The aid is not loving.  It’s self-interested on the part of the donors in a variety of ways for a variety of goals, few of them beneficial.

Now… where have I heard a similar sentiment before?

Oh, and by the way, Roger old buddy:  ixnay on the mergency-ay.  All the (good) drugs sent to Africa haven’t done diddly in terms of fixing anything;  I very much doubt that Central America would have a different outcome.

Changes Up & Down

A couple of years ago, the Daily Mail featured this creature in their coverage of the races at Aintree (Liverpool):

I know;  no man should, right?  Well, apparently the young lady saw the pic of herself, came to the same conclusion and did something bout it.  The following year at Aintree produced this pic:

Yikes.  Were it not for the tattoos on the feet [sigh],  you wouldn’t know it was the same girl.  Again:

Alas, thanks to the current trend towards radical feminism (“Your body is beautiful no matter what it looks like!”), coupled with the usual suspects (booze, bad diet, etc.), American girls seem to be headed in the opposite direction.

Try not to throw up.

Sad, especially when you learn that all the changes took place inside the space of a couple of years.

But hey… it’s a free country, so to speak, and these women should be able to abuse themselves as they please — just as men can exercise their choice and not date them unless there’s drunkenness and/or sheer desperation involved.