Monday Funnies

Even though it’s Monday, I know you don’t want to be disturbed:

…so to speak.

But to help us wake up, some post-election humor, stolen from just about everywhere:

And speaking of ugly non-MAGA women:

Finally, a reminder of the numbers involved, and one of the main electoral issues:

And that’s just according to NCIS…

And just for the hell of it:

I think I’ll celebrate this first post-election Monday by going to the range.  (Okay, that’s not much different from any other Monday, but what the hell.)


  1. And good news for Illinois gun owners – A federal judge in Illinios Southern District struck down the state’s ban on semi-auto “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines. Of course Illinois’s Attorney General immediately appealed the case to the federal Court of Appeals. If they uphold the unconstitutionnal ban, it’s up to the Supreme Court, then. Slow progress, but progress…
    BTW, 98% of Illinois’s banned weapons owners have not registered their weapons since the ban. Lots of unfortunate boating accidents!

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