Unnecessary Advice

Via Insty, this:

Don’t Wear Your MAGA Hat to the Grocery Store Unless You’re Prepared to Defend Yourself

Note to the chattering classes:  I’m always prepared to defend myself.

IN fact, the reason I don’t wear a MAGA hat in public is because I don’t want to defend myself against some unhinged liberal asshole.

“You mean, a MAGA hat is worth more than a life?”

Anyone who would be foolish enough to attack me over so silly an issue has already made that decision.


  1. New Wife: “Why do you carry a gun everywhere?”
    Me: “Because I’m too old to be wrestling around on the ground with somebody.”

  2. >>”“You mean, a MAGA hat is worth more than a life?”

    It’s not about choosing their life over your hat.
    Discretion is the better part of valor.
    It’s about avoiding all the paperwork and lawyer bills that goes with defending yourself.

    Which perversely accrues the advantage to those who would attack you over a hat, effectively granting them hat cancelling superpowers.

  3. I don’t wear hats, any hats. I never did, except when I was in uniform. But IT’S MY HAT. Or my jacket, or shoes or shirt or athletic supporter. Mine. Either I paid for it with my own money, or it was given to me by someone who thought enough that I should have it. There’s been a lot of things I’ve encountered over my years, things that p*ssed me off or looked so silly that I just had to point and laugh, but I’ve pretty much had the good graces to behave myself (thanks, mom) and just walked on by.

    I require the same from the rest of the world towards me. Leave me alone. Walk on by. Don’t EVER touch my hat. At my age and with my health, most of my days start out as bad days. Don’t push it!

  4. Several people at my polling place showed up wearing black garbage bags. They and others were asked to remove their MAGA hats, as any candidate graphics are considered to be unlawful electioneering inside the building. I didn’t see any displays of temper or hostility, but I noticed the eyes of the libs outside in line – I can usually spot them – were darting around in their pinched faces.
    The wife of a friend of mine refused to let him put up his Trump signs in his front yard for fear of vandalism. He told me that tonight he’s going to toss them into the yard of a know-it -all neighbor who went way overboard in his yard with many and huge Harris/Walz signs and even a big banner hanging from his house.

  5. when I drive by the opposition holding signs and they wave, I give them the bird or a thumbs down.

    This year the poll workers were jaw jacking or playing grab ass. After a few minutes I told them “hey, I need to get to work” and they got with the program, checked me off the list and handed me my ballot. Hey fuckers, we have a country to save here. stow your grab ass for your own time.

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