No Thanks

Arriving in my Inbox yesterday was this breathless news:

Man, have they ever got me wrong.

In the first place, my NRA membership has long since expired — which just shows you the value of a mailing list (at least to them).

And yeah, I’m so jazzed about winning a fucking sandy-colored Glock, because that screams right there that I’m an “operator” and I really want to be regarded as such.

Even if

were to be replaced by any one of these:

…I still  wouldn’t have sent in an entry and renewed my membership.

To the NRA:  don’t hold yer breath, you clueless idiots.

The good thing about electronic mail is that it costs almost nothing to send a message.  That’s also the bad thing about e-mail.


  1. The Second Amendment Foundation seems to be the one group that is most effective. I think the NRA seems to be the Establishment. I became a Life member years ago, and I am still alive, so I guess I am still a member. But I think we need a new leader at the NRA.

  2. WRT the color, Somewhere On The Internet (SOTI) I read “FDE [Flat Dark Earth AKA Sand color] is just pink for men.”

  3. Shortly after becoming a Life member about thirty years ago, I realized that the NRA was run by opportunists. They haven’t got a dime out of me since. Very early on, they realized that pretending to fight gun control was a huge moneymaker for them, and that it would be counterproductive to actually win at that endeavor, hence the actual poor performance in real life, as opposed to the media narrative they push. A pox on them. Their board of directors is set up to have no control over the performance of the business, which makes it quite the joke. I’m hoping that NY puts the entire board in jail. Might be a wakeup call for the membership.

  4. Yep, I leave the occasional uncouth suggestion on the NRA FB page about Wayne, and the lack of identifiable progress they have in stopping the anti gun nuts. I also like stuffing about 6 to 8 oz. of newspaper clippings in the return envelopes they so nicely provide when they beg for alms, along with certain anatomically impossible suggestions for Wayne.

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