Quote Of The Day

…this time from Stephen Kruiser:

The dumpster fire of awful that is the J.R. Biden administration never stops burning for a moment, which is obviously bad for the country right now but should help the Republicans steamroll to big victories in next year’s midterm election.
Heavy on the “should”.
Many of us are fond of reminding people that one must never underestimate the ability of the Republican Party to completely screw things up.

Yup, when it comes to political opportunity, nothing sums up the Republican response like this:

As currently constituted, the Republican Party is to conservatism is like the NRA is to fighting gun control:  occasionally helpful, but but more often than not:  not.

Inferior Option

Okay, once again I am compelled to stand athwart the tide of gun trends, and cry “STOP!”.

The object of my discontent is this trend towards “assault pistols” such as the ones which appear here and feature guns like these:

Let me make my feelings on this type of gun quite clear:  if they were full-auto (select fire), i.e. sub-machine pistols, I would take one in a heartbeat.  But as pistols, they’re shit.

Bulkier and heavier (ergo  unconcealable) than a regular Glock, 1911 or S&W semi-auto, firing the same Europellet poodle-shooter ammo as most pistols nowadays seem to be doing [sigh], and beloved of SWAT-fanbois everywhere, they fail as pistols and are inferior to pistol-caliber carbines in terms of accuracy and punch.

Aesthetically, they look like shit — cobbled together by some Bubba in his workshop somewhere — and they’re overpriced.  Such is fashion, and it’s as true for guns as it is about, say, shoes:


(The one on the left looks like the shoe equivalent of an assault pistol, and the pink disasters are actually from Balenciaga.)

I think the problem started when CZ converted their wonderful Skorpion subbie into semi-auto:

…and all of a sudden, AR and AK variants of the same concept started sprouting like poisonous mushrooms.


Your taste, your choice (and dollars), of course, and if you think that owning one of these makes you look like some kind of “operator”, be my guest.

On the other hand, if you want one of these because it causes anti-gunners, the media and gun-fearing wussies [some overlap]  to reach for their smelling salts, go right ahead.

Just don’t expect me to join you.


As our once-confined cousins seek to escape the surly bonds of gloomy Britishland, and are welcomed back (in a fashion) by President Braindead, they are advised as to where best to spend their sterling in these here United States:

All set for America! Holidays to the U.S. are back — and there’s something for everyone. Take your pick from these top trips across the pond

And the #1 recommendation?

New York City.  In the very same edition, mind you, there appeared the following article  with the headline:

Some recommendation.

Other stupid recommendations are San Francisco (!), Chicago (!), New Orleans and Las Vegas.  (For my Brit Readers, a quick summary:  San Francisco is worse than NYC, Chicago is Murder City, New Orleans is trying to catch up to Chicago, and Las Vegas… oy.  The only reason to go to Vegas would be to do some excellent shooting on Vegas’s many fine ranges, but you can do that pretty much anywhere.)

Other Daily Mail  recommendations are scenic tours (e.g. Grand Canyon and the Pacific Coast Highway), and those are indeed okay, if you’re into that kind of thing.  (If doing the PCH, however, avoid San Francisco and Los Angeles like the plague spots they are.)

So, to all my Brit Readers:  if you do want to escape Britishland over the dreary late autumn and early winter this year, let my Murkin Readers give you their recommendations in Comments.

Better still, wait until April / May next year, when you could enjoy an actual spring and attend things like Boomershoot.  But that can wait for another time.

Quote Of The Day

From Insty’s post on the Swamp’s “insurrection” fable:

“The narrative being fed to us is that the FBI had an insider of a far-right group feeding information to the FBI, but given the repeated lies fed to us by the FBI and federal officials it seems more likely the FBI had people undercover inciting a protest group to riot.”

Just like, for example, the Feds’ creation of a crisis when their agents pretty much compelled Randy Weaver to manufacture an illegal firearm, then besieged his cabin at Ruby Ridge.

That was local, the other more global, but the essential methodologies are identical.

Don’t even ask me to go there.

Funny As Hell

Apparently, some guy had an argument with his girlfriend, and the next day left her an “I’m sorry” offering of presents, along with a note which made me giggle like a schoolgirl:

“The chocolates are cos I love you.
“The flowers are cos I’m sorry.
“The Tampax is cos I’m still not sure why I’m apologising so I guess you’ll need these any day now.”

Needless to say, some people have failed to see the humor in it because, as we all know, no woman has ever been pre-menstrually irritable.

Of course, it’s only going to make things worse for him, as all experienced men will acknowledge, but it’s worth it.

Oh, and for those who think it’s “passive-aggressive”, what would you think if he’d just plonked down a box of Tampax and his note read, “Take one and call me in the morning.”

Now that’s  aggressive.

News Roundup

As if Monday wasn’t bad enough… here’s the roundup:

is this even news anymore?

not to outdone in the “importing crime category”, President Braindead steps up.  And:

the odds against the scumbags being imprisoned, repatriated, shot at dawn etc. are so high even I won’t make book on it.

From the Dept. of the Blindingly Obvious:

like we all didn’t already know that.  And:

you don’t say.

how I wish this were actually true.

bring back DDT, and this will all be over.

From the Dept. of Suckage:

tribute song (and my favorite) embedded in headline.

as I’ve never ever adopted “low-fat dairy” products, this has no interest for me at all.

…the Brits should do what we do:  ignore those supra-government WHO assholes completely.

thus proving, once again, that all centrally-managed systems cause shortages and rationing.

the world’s most powerful electron microscope could not find the sympathy I have for them.

[insert “French wanker” joke here]

And on that note, it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:


and here she is:


If that were true, I’d still be 18.

And lastly:

and here she is:

I think I’m going to start an OnlyFans account.  But instead of showing off my ancient decrepit body, I’ll show scenes of me shooting hippies and Commies, which may prove popular in some circles.  Might as well collect some moolah for defense attorneys before my (inevitable) arrest for breaking some BidenLaw or other.