Whose Country?

Eh, anyone could have seen this one coming:

The United Kingdom showcased its submission to mass immigration on Tuesday by flying the Pakistani flag above its most important Anglican church.

Footage shared across the X platform showed the flag of Pakistan flying above Westminster Abbey.

According to the Pakistan High Commission, the flag was hoisted to celebrate Pakistan Day, a national holiday commemorating the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with flying a Muslim flag over a Christian cathedral… during Holy Week, the most important event on the Christian calendar.

FFS, I’m an atheist and even I’m offended by this blatant example of ummah.

Black Humor

I’m not talking about Dave Chappelle, Eddy Murphy or Wanda Sykes;  that’s Black humor.

I’m talking about black humor, which has always made me giggle.  Here’s one example:


…and still another:

Of course, when FJB / whoever-the-Socialists-maneuver-into-the-nomination “wins” the 2024 election with 200 million mail-in votes cast, that won’t be funny as much as prophecy.

Still laughing?

Monday Funnies

Apparently, last week’s Funnies were too… uh, close to the bone, so to speak.  So today we’ll clean it all up and make it G-rated.  You have been warned…

And apparently, all those nekkid asses last week were A Cheek Too Far, so:


You request, I comply.  Now off to work you go.

Au Revoir, Paddy

I’ve spoken before of my distaste for “holidays” which simply serve as a catalyst for “social drinking”, not the least because like New Year’s Eve, they put a whole bunch of amateur drinkers out on the streets and behind the wheel of a car.

Most egregious of these is St. Patrick’s Day:  a time when, as the marketing goes, everyone turns Irish and drinks Guinness, Bushmills and Tullamore Dew.

Except me.  This would be like commemorating “St. Boromir Day” when I wear a Cossack hat and drink chilled neat vodka till I fall over.  What a farce.

Still, let me not be a killjoy.  There are always the costumes:

Makes you proud to be “Irish”, dunnit?

3 Voices I Can’t Stand

…and I’m talking about singing voices, not (say) political screeching like that of Hillary Clinton.

When these guys start singing, I hit the Mute or Skip buttons:

  • Bob Dylan (any song except Lay Lady Lay, which I can get at least halfway through before hitting click)
  • Steve Tyler (Aerosmith; Dream On is the most egregious offender)
  • Van Morrison (Brown-Eyed Girl… OMFG kill me now, but everything he sings is horrible)

And let’s not forget the chicks:

  • Joni Mitchell (I’d rather listen to blackboard fingernails ad infinitum  than any one of her songs)
  • Joan Baez (preachy bullshit, and that vibratissimo… ugh)
  • early Dolly Parton (until she stopped warbling and started singing)

Don’t get me started on the modern chick singers;  you all know about them.