Classic Beauty: Billie Dove

She was a Ziegfeld girl in her late teens, became a silent movie star at 19, made an effortless transition to the talkies, was a rival to “It Girl” Clara Bow, starred in movies which outgrossed actresses like Mary Pickford and Greta Garbo, and when asked to smoke a cigarette in a movie at age 23, had to be shown how to do it.  Then she quit Hollywood because she felt like it and learned how to fly a plane.

All that, and beauty.  Here’s Billie Dove:

Did I mention that she was a redhead?

Classic Beauty: Sylva Koscina

Born in Yugoslavia (now Croatia), Silvija Košćina moved over to Italy, where she became Sylva Koscina and an actress.  She was, at the time, Italy’s answer to France’s Brigitte Bardot, but I always thought she was a lot classier than the French totty.

I saw her in some forgettable movie long ago, and developed an insane pre-teen crush on her.  I’m happy to say that with advancing age, nothing has changed.

Here she is in black & white:


Like last week’s Classic, Madeline Smith, I’ll defer Sylva’s color pics to a later date.

Classic Beauty: Madeline Smith

Brit beauty Madeline Smith started off as a model, became an actress, starred in a few horror movies from Hammer Films, became a Bond girl and when she became a mother, more or less quit acting to look after her daughter.  And good for her.

Fortunately, there’s pictorial history, first in black-and-white (mostly from her modeling days):

…and come to think of it, we can look at her in color some other time.

What an exquisite creature.

Classic Beauty: Peggie Castle

What I find interesting about 50s actress Peggie Castle is that depending on her hair color and pose, she either looks like the girl next door, or else the girl you’re having an affair with — the latter noted by the usual suspects, who say that she was often cast as “the other woman”.  A casual scrutiny of her pics will reveal the dichotomy.

Whichever, still alluring.