Classic Beauties: Mistresses (4)

Let’s confine ourselves to just one horny royal today, this being France’s Louis XV, who was a very busy lad.

Madame de Pompadour

…who wasn’t just his mistress, but pretty much the equivalent of his chief of staff (yeah, that staff as well).

Marie-Anne de La Tournelle
…who joined each of her four sisters as mistress of Louis XV.  Ran through the family, he did.

Marie-Louise O’Murphy
One of the few of all the royal mistresses who gave us a peek at her whole body, thanks to having been a model for artist François Boucher.

Madame du Barry

Now this was an interesting one.  Not only did Madame du Barry go through the French court and nobility like a cleaver through a lamb — she must have had considerable bedroom skills — but she was also the longtime mistress of the grandson of Louis V, Louis XVI.

A multi-generational floozy!  Sadly, though, the French Revolution’s guillotine was the last thing she gave head to.

Classic Beauties: Mistresses (3)

As threatened promised last week, let’s look at some French royalty and their squeezes.  Today we’ll look at just one (for reasons that will become apparent):  Louis XIV a.k.a. the Sun King.  (The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of children he fathered with each.)

Athenaïs de Montespan (7)

Louise de la Valliere (5)

Bonne de Pons d’Heudicourt

Catherine Charlotte de Gramont

Anne de Rohan-Chabot

Claude de Vin (1)

Isabelle de Ludres (1)

Marie Angélique de Scorailles

(she probably would have given him yet another baby, only she died in childbirth)

And those are the ones we know about.  Formidable.