Much Ado Etc.

Predictably, the Left has gone batshit-crazy after last week’s fun and games in Washington D.C. — I know, I shouldn’t call it “fun and games” when someone died, but in the grand scheme of things, I think that was accidental and not an essential part of the real story.

It’s also deeply ironic that after a year of rioting and whole city centers set ablaze, all either actively or tacitly supported by the left, that a single large protest by conservatives has become somehow worse than Kristallnacht  and the result of Trump calling for a seditious overthrow of the U.S. government, to name but two examples of the overheated Leftist rhetoric we’re now seeing.

Whenever someone supported by the Left does something stupid, the Left is all about “finding the root causes of the discontent”, or else categorizing it as justified because of some (often imaginary) injustice.  So I’m going to apply the same principle here.

Trump was voted out of office not by a popular vote, but by electoral fraud.  That’s not rhetoric or an untruth, it is a fact.  So when Trump called on his supporters to fill the streets of D.C. and “peacefully protest” (his exact words) this miscarriage of our electoral process, it should have come as no surprise that the people who gave him over seventy million (legal) votes felt as aggrieved as he was (and is), and did exactly what he called for.

That some people got carried away is inexcusable, yet quite understandable.  Let us never forget that the protest vote in D.C. was “largely peaceful” (to use the Left’s own excuse for a riot) and in fact overwhelmingly peaceful — there were hundreds of thousands of people there, and if we can agree that in any crowd, ten percent of them are going to be assholes, what’s amazing is that so few of them stormed the Capitol and sat behind Nancy Pelosi’s desk, thus “desecrating” the seat of government.

All this other talk about invoking the 25th Amendment and / or impeaching Trump to remove him from office stat  is all smoke and nonsense, given that he has but three or so weeks left in office anyway, and — this is important — under the terms of the Constitution, you cannot impeach a former President.

So fuck ’em, and the fraudulent horse they rode in on.

We didn’t start the hatred, by the way;  de-personalization and demonization of the opposition has always been part and parcel of the Left’s toolkit in their drive to power.  But now that we’re in this place, our hatred for these Marxist cocksuckers is not going to die away just because they’re asking us to stop.  If anything, the rancor and hatred is only going to increase, especially when the Left starts carrying out all the actions they’ve threatened us with.

Nothing New

Here’s an interesting consequence of the Chinkvirus:

Denmark is set to introduce a government-sponsored coronavirus vaccine passport in coordination with airlines early this year, a national Danish broadcaster has revealed.

Now the idea of a “vaccination passport” has a whole bunch of people tied in knots, as it’s just one step away from the old “Papieren bitte”  way to install restrictions, tracking and control on travel.

I’m not one of them.  In the first place, proof of vaccination has always been a fact of life when traveling anywhere outside your home country;  try visiting India or Africa without proof of smallpox/yellow fever/etc. etc. in your passport, and you’ll be turned away from the boarding area.  (This, by the way, is as much to ensure that not only are you immune to catching the pox whilst Over There looking at strange temples etc., but that you don’t bring said pox back with you to an un-vaccinated home population.)  The only reason one doesn’t need proof of vaccination when traveling from the U.S. to places like Britishland and Euroland is because said diseases are not only notionally extinct (except where, surprise surprise there are large numbers of illegal and un-vaccinated border-jumpers), but where children are routinely vaccinated in order to attend school and so on.

So I’m indifferent to the idea of a Chinkvirus vaccination passport as part of international travel — and for that matter, in terms of local travel and behavior as well — and especially because once inoculated, I wouldn’t have to wear a stupid and ineffective face-condom every time I wanted to go out of the house.

Of course, the conspiracy morons are going to insist that Gummint is going to use Pox Passports to track individuals’ movements and behaviors, and of course that is a valid concern.  Just remember, though, that we’re talking about Government here:  the morons who can’t find their own assholes with both hands, a map and a trail of crumbs.

I know that in movies, government agents always require just a few clicks on their (Apple — LOL) laptops to create all sorts of data reports at the drop of a hat — the risible Person Of Interest  TV series being the apotheosis thereof.  Longtime students of both government, database systems and the combination thereof know that this facility is very much part of the suspension of belief required to view any work of fiction these days.

Besides, I’m relying on the criminal marketplace to produce passable copies of said documents in sufficient numbers to make the entire thing untenable — just as fake driver’s licenses can and have been used to enable fraudulent voting.

It’s a non-issue, and we have bigger things to worry about.

As If

Here’s a good one:

Biden inauguration theme will be ‘America United’


Hey Biden, unite this:

…you fraudulent, conniving, dishonest little toad.  And that goes for everyone in your administration, your party, and all your supporters too.  As we say here in Texas, “Fuck all y’all.”

I just wish our range opened earlier, so I could exercise my other important finger right now too.  Oh well, later…


In everyday terms, it’s called “stupidity”, “absentmindedness” or “careless”.

For all the Readers who emailed me to ask if I was okay, following the weekend’s late / non-existent posts, let me reassure you that I’m fine, just an idiot.

You see, the post that appeared on Sunday was actually supposed to appear on Saturday, only Idiot Kim scheduled the wrong date for it — hence the radio silence on Saturday — and yesterday’s post about… well, never mind, it’s too late now and will appear next Sunday.

And today’s New Roundup wasn’t completed, either — it sat completed, but Idiot Kim Pt. II hadn’t hit the “Update” button.   Please go back and see the completed version, which has a bikini pic.

This time, it’s not Hosting Matters’ fault, but mine all mine, I tell ya.

Personally, I blame the Democrats.

Normal blogging service will resume after a gallon of coffee.

News Roundup

With commentary shorter than a female hobbit.

long on warning, short on details, e.g. how long should you abstain from that single malt?  One day, two weeks, forever?  (If forever, count me out:  I’ll take my chances with the Chinkvirus.)

and yet (speaking of sculptures of giant cunts) I find this less disgusting than the idea of adding Obama to Mount Rushmore.

remind me again how wonderful modern cars are.

and while you’re there, remind me again how much I hate the music business.

our latest entry in the “guess the scumbag’s race” competition.  Also from Chicago:

(that would be 0.35% in the blue dot, btw:  14 out of 4,018)

with the predictable outcome.  What makes this interesting is that the rozzers arrested and imprisoned the wrong people for the murders.

Veganuary and Dry January?
oh dear, I forgot.  Which reminds me, I need to slice up the biltong and get a fresh case of gin.

even allowing for Titsy’s hyperbole, I still got a thrill running down my leg.

which reminds me of the old bridge joke:  “If you’ve got a good hand, you don’t need a partner.”

And finally…

wait, Roller Girl is 50?  OMG I’m getting really old.