News Roundup

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From the Dept. Of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change:

...Snowflake City.

...I prefer to keep things simple: don’t trust ANY government agency.

And speaking of government-run institutions:

...because of course he would.

From the Dept. Of Irony:

...or as he himself might say:  “Burn, baby, burn.”

From the Dept. Of Education:

...only 55?  They need to try harder.

...what’s gambled in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Dept. Of International News: are all who dare challenge the Great Cultural Melting Pot Experiment.

...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪…it’s raining beasts, hallelujah...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

...laugh all you want, but in a couple years’ time this won’t be satire.



This Roundup’s Hotty Totty:

There’s this Brit TV show about people leaving gloomy Britishland for sunnier climes, and one of the show’s hosts is named Laura Hamilton:



Little toothy, but still quite MILFy…

News Roundup

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And on that pungent note, here’s the real smelly stuff:

...not that she should have been arrested in the first place, but this DID happen in Airstrip One, after all.

From the Dept. Of Irony:

...on the bright side, it wasn’t crucifixion.

...but for those of us who’ve been paying attention, it’s turning out EXACTLY as we expected.

AK, Glock, howitzers, they’re all the same to him, the demented old fucker.  And speaking of which:

...if it’s fake news, can fake medical tests be far behind?  back to your bedtime triple espressos, then. prove that all appearances to the contrary, she ISN’T Billy Idol?

...key word:  France.

...2% of the population, 2% of the commercials.  What to complain about? THAT’S going to hit them hard, so to speak.  And speaking of ejaculations:

...the medical equivalent of drive-through restaurants.



...because as any fule kno, if they’re NOT old enough to bleed...

...who she? you ask.

Here’s the fun part, though.  Once you get past the carefully-styled and artfully-posed pics, what you really get is something a little… errrr plumper:


Fake news, in other words.

“Dear Dr. Kim”

“Dear Dr. Kim:

“I’m a rather well-known Hollywood actor in my late 40s who has a reputation for only bonking dating women younger than 25 years old — in fact, I generally ditch them shortly after their 25th birthday.

“For some reason, this seems to have pissed some people off.  They say I should ‘date women my own age’ or ‘stop cradle-snatching’.

“Here’s my philosophy.  After they pass 25, all the women I’ve met start to droop and sag, and even worse they want to start breeding like rabbits, and this makes them very unattractive to me because post-baby bods have droopy boobs, doughy tummies and tunnel-vag syndrome.  Also, the thought of dating women around my own age makes me a little nauseated — I mean, I know chicks like Amanda Holden (53) and Salma Hayek (56) are totally hot, BUT:  they’re all married and they have kids.  While I’m not really averse to having kids of my own (in principle, anyway), I’d rather not have to look after someone else’s, especially as women of my age tend to have daughters aged 16-24, and you KNOW where that might lead.

“Actually, their bodies are only part of the problem.  Sure, the under-25s are kinda brainless (in the ignorance sense), but “older” women are, if you’ll excuse the expression, bat-shit crazy and neurotic (and believe me, I know what I’m talking about).  While the latter are more mature, their psychological problems are equally advanced, whereas the younger women just don’t seem to have those issues.

“Anyway, Dr. Kim, what do I do about all this date-shaming?”

— Just Call Me Leo

Dear Leo:

Tell ’em all to fuck off.  Seriously.  If that old hag Cher can date some beardless weenie forty years younger than herself and nobody kvetches or scolds her, then why should you worry?  It’s not like your fresh girlfriends don’t know the rules of the game, n’est-ce pas? and they all seem quite okay with it.  Maybe it’s the fact that you fulfill all their twisted little fantasies:  fame, a jet-set lifestyle, trendy parties, beach vacations on tropical islands or large yachts, lots of sparkly little presents and, lest we forget (and according to urban legend) they also get frequently serviced by a large male appendage.  No wonder there’s a long line of early-20 hotties outside your door.

You seem to have it all figured out, so why change?  But if you want to shut the scolds up for a while, hold your nose and fuck date a childless hottie between ages 28-32 for a while, and then all the Jealous Ones will say, “Ah, good!”  and turn their envious Karen-gaze elsewhere . Then, when they’re not looking, dump Miss Middle-Age and resume the sub-25 thing.  Your excuse:  “Hey, I tried!”

Know this, however:  you are the envy of all men on the planet, who would do exactly what you’re doing if they could.

News Roundup

And speaking of flights of fantasy…

...the (much) greater likelihood being that they belong to the Chinese or Russians, and not Klingons.  Who the fuck are you trying to kid?

...OMG criminals don’t need handguns to kill people?

...unfortunately, this statement was not preceded by the words:  “Speaking from his jail cell…”, although it should have been.

...sounds appropriate.

...yeah, eight times a week.

...lemme guess:  Aphrodite was actually a man in drag?


...and when she dies as a result of this feral bureaucracy, her husband’s going to do something violent — oh wait, I forgot:  Australia.  Let’s leave them alone to lick their chains.

...just another idea so utterly impractical, stupid and viciously-coldblooded, it could only have come from academia.

...gee, I wonder why men are just so judgey.

...unfortunately, the position responsible was not mentioned. #ShitJournalism.

From the INSIGNIFICA files: a whole new meaning to the term “Officer Friendly”.

And on Paige Three:

...and yes, she was there. Oh, you want proof?

Speaking of a family affair, we see Paige and her mommy:
